Chapter 7

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Song Of The Day :-
Hey Rachel by As It Is

It's 7.10 in the morning. Natalie's alarm clock has been ringing for the past 10 minutes. She knows she has to wake up now to get ready for work or she will be late. That is something that she wants to avoid.

She wants everything to be perfect. She hates people who are not punctual. Time is gold! She keeps in mind what her professor always said when she was studying at Cambridge University. With that, she quickly get out of her comfy bed and tie her pink curtain to one side.

Natalie really admires the morning view from her bedroom. It is not something spectacular anyway. Just a black lonely street, pavement glazed over with rain and green trees but it gives her peace. She is obviously not a fan of busy city with all the skyscrapers everywhere.

After a couple minutes looking out the window, Natalie gets ready for work. She wears a light blue jeans which the bottom stops just above her ankles where she had them slightly rolled up. She had put on a grey, baggy knit sweater over her white plain shirt. She then slipped on her flat shoes after she made her bed. She ties her white silver hair which has started to fade into a low ponytail.

Perfect! She thought while looking at the mirror. There's no need to look all fancy. Once she starts working, she will look like a mess anyway.

Then, as usual, she begins to pack Chelsea's needs like clothes, milk and snacks in a bagpack. She has to send Chelsea to her mother's house before going to work.

She finished packing all of them in a really short time. Well, she has been doing this for months. It is like her everyday routine now.

She picks Chelsea up from her cradle, very gently, trying not to wake her up. She grabs the car key and set, they're ready to go.

The drive was not too long, only about 20 minutes and soon she arrives in front of her mother's house. She can see Mrs Sykes, Oliver's mother is feeding Oskar which is Oliver's dog at her lawn.

"Ugh what a perfect sight to start a day." Natalie sighs.

She hates the Sykes family with passion. Until now, she doesn't even know why her family and the Sykes hate each other's guts.

So there was one time when she was like 10, she tried to be nice by greeting a simple 'Good morning'. She learnt at school that it's not good to be rude to the elders but Mrs Sykes couldn't care less. She was scolded by the middle-aged woman for talking to her. After that, she swear she will just ignore their existence and that was also when she started to hate that family with all her heart.

Natalie picks up the sleeping Chelsea and grabs Chelsea's bag. She walks towards her mother's house, acting like she doesn't see Mrs Sykes there.

"Natalie, Natalie. When will you stop bothering your mother and take care of the baby on your own? You know how to make baby but don't know how to take care of her. Poor little girl, had to live without a father because of you." Mrs Sykes said in a mocking tone.

I can't believe this woman still thinks that I slept with some random guy and then got pregnant?! Natalie thought. What even? But she won't say anything about that. Chelsea is her daughter. She won't deny.

"Wait, is that you Mrs Sykes ? Oh my god, I didn't know you are still alive. Well, kinda busy right now. Talk to you later." She replied while flashing a wide smile, trying to annoy her.

She quickly turn around and walk straight into her mom's house. She is too lazy to deal with someone's bullshit in this early morning.

She can see her beautiful mom, looking so happy that she's here.

"There she is, my beautiful grandchild!" Her mother squealed a little too loud.

"Mom! Lower your voice. She's asleep!" Natalie whispered.

"Oh sorry, sorry. Let me take her to the room. You can go have some breakfast."

"It's okay, mom. I'm running late. I'll just get going now. Bye!"

Natalie's mom takes Chelsea from her arm. Natalie kisses her mom's and Chelsea's cheeks before she disappears through the front door in a hurry.

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