Chapter 2

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Song of the day :-
Antivist by Bring Me The Horizon :P


[Oliver's POV]

I woke up with a massive headache. Ugh fuck hangover. I grab my phone and see,

12 missed calls from Natabitch 💩

1 message from Natabitch 💩

What the actual heck, this woman? I have no intention to call her back. Listening to her voice in the early morning like this would make me lost my appetite. I just open the message.

From : Natabitch 💩


WAIT what ? What did I forget ? Wait...what day is today ? Monday ?

Oh crap, I have to pick the baby at Nat's house. Nice Oliver, you already messed up on the first day.

I quickly type,

To : Natabitch 💩

wait im omw.

Oops I lied. I always told people that I'm on my way but the truth was I was still on my bed. But honestly, everyone did that heh. Without wasting time, I quickly took a shower and put on clothes.

I look in the mirror. Black ripped skinny jeans, plain black t-shirt, black Drop Dead jacket and black beanie. Do I look okay ? What would Nat say to me about my appearance this time. Seriously, she always talks shits about me, I know she is a doctor for fuck sake but, that doesn't mean she can look down on band members. Well I think I make more money than her ha.

Ok whatever Oliver, since when did you care about what people say. Fuck them, just be yourself.

I quickly run downstairs, grab my car keys and drive to her house. I am quite excited to see the baby but I'm nervous too as this is the first time ever I will be holding a newborn baby.

Newborn baby is really fragile and soft, if you know what I mean. I'm quite rough and careless like what if I broke her arm or legs...or even worse her neck ? NO just stay positive Oli. But still I am terrified.

About 5 minutes of driving, I arrived in front of Nat's house. Her house is really near to mine. We live in the same neighbourhood. I don't even know why we have to end up being neighbours again after living next to each other's houses for the past 30 years.

I knocked the door twice. I can hear Nat walking to the door and she opens it. There stands the Natabitch in a pink t-shirt looking annoyed as usual.

"Finally, Oliver Psycho is here. What a responsible father." She said while rolling her blue eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I overslept." I replied. Nat just sighed and told me to come in.

Me, being an awkward human quietly walks into the her house and sits on the pink leopard sofa while she heads to the kitchen. Um I guess pink is her favourite colour as all I can see is pink.

Anyway Nat's house is just the same as mine because we live in the same neighbourhood but the interior designs are way too different. I must admit that her house is goddamn beautiful with all the luxury furnitures and stuffs. My house is really simple. I don't even spend much time in my own house as we are always on tour.

"You don't work today ?" I asked her, trying to break the awkward silence.

"No, because you're late." She answered while handing me a cup of coffee. Wow at least she is being nice.

"Anyway, what are we going to name the baby ?" Nat asked. I take a look at her face and can't help but laugh loudly. She has freaking coffee powder on her forehead.

"What ?!" She snapped while throwing a pillow at me. She opens her front camera and I laugh again because of her reaction. She quickly wipes her forehead and sends me a death glare until I stop laughing.

Suddenly, I hear a sound of baby's crying coming from the bedroom.

"SEE! It's all your fault! You woke her up!" Nat half screamed at me then ran to the bedroom. I feel like a bad person here but I don't regret a bit laughing at that Natabitch. Man, her reaction was priceless just now.

I walk to the bedroom to see how's the baby doing. I sit at the corner of the bed while watching how Nat putting the baby to sleep. I can copy her after this. Then, I look at the baby. She is so small and fucking adorable. She has brown hair, she must be taking after Lexi.

After the baby is asleep, we go to the living room to discuss.

"So before you take her home, let's talk about the baby's name." Nat said.

I honestly suck at this kind of stuff.

"I don't know. Up to you." I replied. I look at Natalie who seem to think hard. I make no effort to think because seriously my brain cannot function in the early morning. I will just wait for the 'clever' doctor in front of me to suggest any names.

"Erm I want a really rare name. Oi are you even thinking of something ?!" Nat said while frowning at me. Man, this woman is frowning all the time. Well I hoped she will get wrinkles that will make her grow older and die.

"Uh yeah I am." I lied, not making eye contact with her. Okay Oli just think, it's not that hard. I start to think from my ex-girlfriends' names, friends & relatives' names to any songs titles that have girl's name in it.

"What about Chelsea ?" I suggested. Yes, I did get it from our song's title Chelsea Smile.

"Chelsea Smile huh ?" Nat asked me while smirking.

"Yeah. You got me, oh but wait how do you know ?!" She looks shocked well I am shOOk too. How can this Natabitch who only listens to shitty chart pop songs knows our song ?

Does this mean she's just pretending to hate my band and actually headbanging to Bring Me The Horizon ? Okay shit that's funny I can't even imagine.

"You secretly listen to my band huh ?" This time I am the one who's smirking.

"THE FUCK EW NO never in a million years. Your band sucks, just stop making music, asshole." She semi-screamed with a most disgusted look on her face. How dare she insulted my band.

"Whatever you say Natabitch. At least we saved more lives than you, a doctor could do." Well that's the truth. Suck it up, stupid.

She rolls her eyes for the millionth times today.

"Bullshit. Ugh I don't want to argue with a dumbass. So, Chelsea isn't it ? I'm okay with the name." She said.

"Okay cool, Chelsea it is." I replied. We both smile, sign of agreement.

So this little 3 weeks old baby is named Chelsea Qay Sykes. Finally I didn't have to refer her as 'the baby' anymore. If you're curious why we used Sykes as her last name, well, it is actually one of Lexi's wishes.

Around 8 months of pregnancy, Lexi was told that either she or the baby would not survive because of her health issues but she kept it a secret from both of us. We literally had no idea about it. That's why I was shocked by her last words before she went into the delivery room. Only after she died, the doctor gave us a letter that she wrote for us. She wanted to use my family name as her child's last name and also she didn't want anyone else but Natalie and I to raise her child.

We did. Nat and I are going to raise Chelsea Sykes like our own daughter, eventhough I hate that Natabitch.

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