Chapter 12

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Song of the day :-

26 by Paramore

"The fuck?" Oliver is shoOketh. He is so doomed. How in the hell could this happen. Wasn't Nat supposed to be home around 7?

"Yes, what the fuck?!" Natalie shouted. She turns to look at her mom who doesn't even dare to lift her head.

"Mom, how could you lie to me?! And you! I told you to get the hell away from my Chelsea!! How dare you touch my daughter with your dirty hands!"

Natalie cannot believe her eyes. How could her mom do this behind her back. She is so close to crying. She feels so stupid for believing her mom. And Oliver. That motherfucker is really getting on her nerves. He should just die or disappear or whatever. She thought.

Bea keeps her mouth shut. On the other hand, Oliver cannot stand still anymore. He gotta stand up for himself.

"Calm the fuck down, Nat. Don't make it complicated. We can settle this in a good way." Oliver suggested.

Chelsea is still in his arms, obviously clueless of what's happening while Bea keeps her mouth shut. She wanted to say something but she couldn't find the right words to come out of her mouth plus Oliver has gestured a sign saying to leave it all to him.

"No! YOU are making it complicated. I said leave us alone! She doesn't need you! Are you really that dumb until you can't even understand a simple thing like this?!" Nat stormed off with her high heels towards Oliver and took Chelsea away from him.

Chelsea immediately starts crying really loudly. She reaches out her short arms to Oliver, meaning that she doesn't want Natalie to hold her. Nat is surprised and doesn't know what to do. Oliver just watches her.

"Are you sure she doesn't need me?" Oliver said while smirking.

Natalie just ignores his remark. She keeps doing everything that she can to make Chelsea stop crying but she just won't stop. Chelsea keeps moving her body towards Oliver's direction. Natalie does not know where to hide her face. Out of all people, why does it have to happen in front of Oliver fucking Sykes ?!

"Enough Nat, just give me the baby. You are hurting her." Oliver said.

Natalie still won't give in. Her ego is higher than Kellin Quinn's voice.

"I said enough!" Oliver raised his voice and took Chelsea away from her. He has had enough of Nat's bullshit. At last, Chelsea stops crying. Tears begin to well up Natalie's eyes while her mom pats her back gently.

"Don't ask me why Chelsea cries when you hold her and acts the total opposite when she's with me. You should know better. I know you love her a lot and even consider her as your own daughter, but I'm sorry to say, you barely make any effort to spend time with your 'daughter'. You leave her with your mom every single day. You are not any different than a stranger to her. You are just the same as I was. Yet you never realize your wrongs and keep on hating me because of my mistakes in the past." Yeet, Oliver spilled out the tea.

Finally, he managed to say what has been on his mind lately. Sometimes, he feels bad for Bea. Taking care of infants is not an easy thing. There are so many works to do and you gotta be alert all the time. Bea has to do everything from A to Z. She always say to Oliver that her knees and back hurt everyday as you know, she is already in her 50s. As a widow, she had been working for almost all of her life to raise Natalie. She should be resting and enjoy her life by now. Oliver gets that Nat is not doing something bad, she is out because of her job. Then, she should have let him help her mom taking care of Chelsea when he's around. For the sake of her own mother.

The truth hits Natalie real hard. She can't argue with that. That is so true, she thought. She can feel tears rolling down her cheeks. She quickly wipes it with the back of her left hand.

"I've changed, Nat. I realized my mistake and I will never repeat it. Can you let me be apart of this family? Or if that's too much to ask for, can I at least be apart of Chelsea's life? I promise we don't have to see each other."

He doesn't ask for much. Just let him play the role of her father. He doesn't want Chelsea to grow up without a father figure when her mom, Lexi obviously asked him to be one.

Natalie doesn't answer. She walks quickly to her bedroom and slam the door behind her with mixing emotions.


Hiiiiii friendly reminder if u guys havent watch spider-man: homecoming, pls do so. It's really gr8 i swear my wig flew

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