Chapter 17

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Song of the day:-

Double Helix by Knuckle Puck
a/n (can i get 200 votes? hahaha)

"Mom!! Mom!" Natalie falls to the ground as soon as she entered the ward. Bea is lying unconcious on the hospital bed, breathing with the help of a machine.

Natalie is crying on the floor looking at her dearest mother. She lost her father when she was really young. Hell no,  she can't afford to lose her one and only family in this world. Her mom is everything to her.

She wants to believe that everything will be fine but of course, her anxiety won't let her do so. So many negative thoughts are running through her mind. The four white walls feel so small and the smell of the hospital make Natalie feels like collapsing.

Just then Oliver arrives in the room. He quickly runs to Natalie and tries to calm her down. Without realizing her action, Natalie cries on his shoulder. Oliver flinches a bit but he quickly adjusts to it and rubs her back.

"Everything's going to be fine, Natalie." He said. Natalie nods.

Soon the doctor comes in.

"Is my mom okay? What happened?! Oh god, please tell me she is alright." Natalie asked desperately. Oliver stands beside her, waiting for the doctor's answer.

The doctor sighs.

"I'm sorry to inform that she's not in a good condition. Her heart is really weak. Your mother was with a little girl that we supposed to be her granddaughter when she collapsed at a cafe. She had a sudden heart attack. We found out that she hasn't been taking her medication for quite some time. I think this is why she collapsed." The doctor explained.

Natalie falls to the ground in despair, hearing that her mother is not in a good condition. She cannot think straight. She just wants to cry her heart out and switch place with her mom. Her mother does not deserve all of this.

"Is she going to be okay though?" Oliver asked.

"I'm in no position to confirm anything, sir. It all depends on her will to live." The doctor replied.

"What about the the girl? Where is she?"

"The girl is fine. She's sleeping in a room. I can show you the way to the room."

Oliver nods.

"You stay here. I'll go check on Chelsea." He said to Nat before he walks away with the doctor.


It's been 5 days. Bea is still unconscious. Natalie hasn't gone to work since then. She's a mess. She can't think clearly. She ignored everyone and everything that happened around her. All she did for the past 3 days were sitting beside her mom, talking to her, and of course, crying. She didn't take care of herself at all.

Oliver and Chelsea come and visit every single day. Oliver is worried about Natalie. He tried to ask her to eat and stuff but she won't listen for sure, uh this is Nat we're talking about.

It's 9 p.m. and Natalie is still sitting beside her mother. The sound of the machine is the only thing that could be heard. Oliver and Chelsea had gone home 15 minutes ago.

Natalie is left alone with Bea in the room until Jia, Nat's colleague comes in.

"Natalie!" She walks to her friend with tears in her eyes. Natalie is surprised to see Jia there.

"Hey Jia." She responded weakly.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to your mom." Jia gives Nat a hug.

"Actually, there's something I want to tell you. We couldn't reach you for the past days so I came to inform you. Please stay strong, Nat." She explained.

Nat is still processing everything that she said.

"What is it Jia? Tell me!"

"It's about your patient, Tyler." Jia said calmly.

"What about Tyler?!" Nat raised her voice.


"He's gone, Nat."

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