Chapter 4

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Song Of The Day :-
Keys by With Confidence

[Oliver's POV]

2.30AM. We just got on our bunks feeling exhausted. The show was lit today. The fans were awesome as usual. And now I just want to sleep. I try closing my eyes but I still can't fall asleep. You know that feeling when you are really tired and you just wanna sleep but for some fucking reasons, you can't. You don't even know what that reason is. Uh that's me right now. Well not only tonight though. Been feeling like this since the tour started. I barely had enough sleep and I'm tired as fuck to do anything but life must go on right ?

Oh yeah by the way I'm really curious on how's Chelsea doing. It's been 5 months though. It feels kinda awkward to suddenly call Natabitch after 5 months. Ok it's not like I didn't care about Chelsea for the past months. I did want to call Nat. I don't want to be labeled as 'irresponsible guy'. Heh like she hasn't called me that already. But you know with so much things going on, I forgot. Yes, Nat must think that's such a dumb reason. I'd think the same but it's true. So should I call Nat or Nah ?

If I call, I have to do a long ass explanation to her when my reason is just simple. Not to forget my band members are all sleeping right now.

If I don't, I won't disturb the lads and I can try to sleep.

Hell yes. Looks like I've made a decision. Hopefully I made a right choice.


[Nat's POV]

12.30PM. No message or call from Oliver. So he didn't notice that instagram thing. Hmm oookayyy. Er but that's a good thing right ?

I don't have work today so I thought I can spend more time with Chelsea but she's 5 months old. There's nothing much that I can do with her. So I think I'm gonna clean up a bit. I look around but everything is fine, well I'm the only one who lives in this house and I barely spend time here. Okay looks like I have nothing to do today.

I heat up the leftover pizza and watch my favourite tv show, The Walking Dead with Chelsea laying beside me. Man, Glenn's death was so tragic and sad. I mean he was just an innocent pizza boy who worked so hard to survive and kill the walkers for the past 6 seasons but ended up died because he got killed by a fucking human? I cannot accept it. Poor Maggie. I hated Negan at first but as I watch more and more episodes, I gotta say Negan is bae. He's just so cool and funny! Jeffrey Dean Morgan did a damn great job.

Suddenly, Chelsea cries. Man, who knows I've spent like 5 hours watching twd. I quickly pick her up.

"Hey Chelsea! It's okay, Mummy's here. Don't cry. You're a good girl right?"

I keep on talking to her like she understands and make funny faces. Hahaha you know how adults can act like fools when they are with babies.

But she just doesn't stop crying. I wonder what's wrong. I remember my mom said there are usually 3 famous reasons why babies cry :-

1. They pooped
2. They are hungry
3. They have stomachache

So I checked her diapers. Uhuh damn right. She pooped.

"It's alright Chelsea, I'll clean it now okay." I said while laying her down and change her diapers.

Wow the smell is really nice. Ha ha ha. I hold my breath until I finish changing it. Thank god it only takes like 3 minutes? Yay I've improved! I remember the first time I changed her diapers, hahaha I sucked a lot.

But she still doesn't stop crying, why the hell ?! Well then let's proceed to number 2. Maybe Chelsea is hungry.

I rush to the kitchen and make her milk with my right hand and hold Chelsea in my left arm. Oh my god the struggle is real. I have so much respect for all the moms and dads especially a single parent. Like me right now!

"Shh Chelsea, here. Drink your milk."

I give her the milk but she refused, still doesn't stop crying or should I say screaming? I swear to god I'm about to lose my temper. Okay calm down, Natalie. She's still a baby.

Let's proceed to number 3.

Chelsea has stomachache ? Well what the hell do I do ? It's not like there are medicines for stomachache. I call my mom but it goes into voice mail. Huh what a great weekend!!!!

I apply some ointment on her belly, hoping that the heat from it would reduce the ache. It usually works for me. Then I pick her up and pat her back to make her sleeps.

I move up and down, walk around the house for like an hour. My back and legs hurt like shit already. But the pain is worth it, Chelsea has stopped crying and she's falling asleep again. I lay her down on the bed, feeling tired and disappointed.

I'm honestly so disappointed with myself. I'm such a bad mom, I'm so sorry Lexi. Without realizing, my tears keep falling down. I failed to be a good mom. I was too busy watching television until I forgot to feed Chelsea. Now I know she had stomachache because I was late to feed her, like really late. I feel so bad for her. I have no right to call Oliver 'irresponsible' when I'm just the same. Oh God, please give me strength.


Hello y'all. All these chapters are basically just fillers bcs I don't want to skip the time too much. I just wanna say thank you for your comments and votes! I know it's not much but honestly it means the world to me! Idek how you guys find this book and actually feel like reading it hahahah but just so you know that I really really appreciate it!! THANK YOU! Keep being you, awesome and cool. ILY 💕😘

(Anyway who watch SKAM ? IM SUCH A TRASH FOR THAT SHOW!!)

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