(15) Clichè Movie.

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Chapter 15- Clichè Movie.

My heart fluttered, my smile grew.

"That was corny," I exclaimed but it was the cutest thing ever to come from his mouth.

"I know," he smiled while he picked the imaginary lint of his trouser leg.

"But incredibly cute," I pinched his cheeks. He shook his head to escape the pinch of my fingers, we laughed in unison.

After a few minutes Kyle jumped off of the tailgate. It was getting darker now, I hated the dark but it didn't faze me one bit, not here.

"Where are you going?" I asked while he finally stepped foot on to the floor.

"I'll be two seconds," he held up his finger to indicate. I nodded my head before laying back down.

I heard rustling, but nothing would give it away. Suddenly Kyle reappeared with something behind his back. My curiosity peeked.

"What have you got?" I asked, now intrigued.

"Well, I have beer," he smiled sheepishly, yet the smirk was also evident.

"I can't drink beer!" I gasped. I had never drank beer outside of the house. It sounded stupid and cowardly, but it was true.

"You can, and you will," his smile grew as the pros and cons created havoc through my mind.

There were basically no cons to this situation, I mean, my mother wasn't here, Tammy wasn't here, neither was my father. It was only Kyle and I, nothing could happen, I should be rebellious, adventurous, and after all, it was only a few beers. It was nothing.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat. Kyle beamed with excitement. He cracked open a can before passing it to me. He sat back on the tailgate, closer to my body this time.

I could feel his body heat, and his knee grazed mine. My body heated up despite the wind, and my heart beated with a furious speed.

"I won't let anything happen to you," he said as he looked to the sky, as if he was deep in thought.

"I know," and I did. He saved my life, he wouldn't do that to ruin it after.

I looked towards him, his face relaxed, content. Infact, he looked more boyish, more content than he ever had before. It was as if his worries had gone, even today. He still gazed to the sky as his head leaned back. He was beautiful, even now.

A dark strand of hair had swept across his eye, before he could move it I swept it away from his face. He turned to me, smiling and twinkling with happiness.

"Thankyou," he whispered, almost hoarse. I smiled in reply. I then turned to look up at the sky, wondering if there's someone up there looking down on us, maybe someone who was close to Kyle.

I took a couple of gulps from my beer, flinching at the almost bitter taste, but also reveling in it.

The atmosphere was calm, the air blew silence, nothing more, nothing less.

"Do you think life knocks you down because you deserve it?" Kyle suddenly asked. I looked to him with confusion.

"What do you mean?" He sat up straighter.

"Do you think bad things happen to people because they deserve it? or do you think bad people get a shot at having something amazing happening to them?"

"I think it depends on what the person did," I shrugged. He bit his lip in almost nervousness.

"What if it was something bad?" He muttered.

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