Chapter 26

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Alex felt self conscious of not having any hair. She kept tugging at the beanie covering her head. She felt strange sure she's had short hair before, but never has she been bald before.

"Alex your beautiful without hair as well as with hair. Stop messing with your beanie." Liam said quietly. Making Alex shift a little uncomfortably due to him noticing.

"I'm going to have a large scare. I'm not beautiful Liam. I have never been." Alex snaps back.

"I'll prove to you how beautiful I think you are my beautiful fiance!" Liam said just before crashing his soft warm luscious lips to hers. He sucked on her bottom lip causing her to moan in her throat. He took that as a sign to continue.

Liam picked Alex up by her thighs and made her wrap her legs around his waist. Too him she was light as a feather. He carried her to the bedroom where they continue kissing. Alex was being forward and began to unbutton Liam's blue shirt. She wanted him and his comfort. He laid her on the bed and hovered over her kissing down her neck. Sucking and scraping his teeth and he kissed. Driving Alex absolutely mad with desire. Liam and Alex make love repeatedly until a quarter to 8pm. Chase should be back shortly with their son and both were excited to see him.

Eight o' clock rolled around. There was a knock at the door. Alex quickly arranged her clothing and opened it. There stood Chase in all his glory with her baby boy. She was so nervous and excited. She practically just stood there staring forgetting to breathe. Chase's chuckle snapped her out of her trance.

"Oh sorry come in! I didn't mean to make you stand out there...." Alex said with a blush.

Chase chuckled again. He'd noticed the hickey on her neck. They'd already gotten it on in the same day she comes home.

"I see you two have been busy. Nice passion mark Alex.," Chase said teasingly.

Alex ran to her bedroom to see what Chase was teasing her about. Alex inwardly groaned when she saw the hickeys on her neck. Liam left four marks. All in which were coverable but one high up on the neck. She walks back out and sits next to Liam who is now holding Jaiden. Chase got up to leave to leave the happy family in peace.

"Chase would you mind staying I'd like to talk to you both..." Alex trailed off.

Liam and Chase shot each other a confused and concerned expression. Yet Chase complied and sat back down. Both of them worried. They knew it had to be serious.

Alex sat down taking Jaiden from Liam. Cuddling him closely to her chest. She loved her son with her entire being. Nothing could ever replace him in her heart.

"I have all of my memories back Chase. You wanted answers and I can now answer them. You both deserve it. It's unfair to keep things like this from you guys. I love you both and I'm sorry I messed up so badly. I's just..." Alex said getting caught up in her thoughts.

"Alex why didn't you really tell us you were pregnant?" Chase asked quietly trying not to upset her.

"Several reasons actually. One being Chris, I thought he'd kill me or the baby's. Two I was terrified that Liam may think I was trying to trap him. Three I was scared I would die before going to full term. They told me I'd most likely die before 30 weeks. That the cancer had spread into an even bigger tumor in my brain. It started small and got bigger. I was scared. I told no one. I'm sorry...." Alex said tailing off not realizing she admitted to having cancer.

"You have cancer...?" Liam asked with a lump in his throat. He may still lose her. That terrified him.

"I...uh...I mean I uh..." Alex couldn't form a coherent sentence. Heart pounding and her eyes as big as a deers eyes cought in headlights.

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