Chapter 24

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7 more weeks pass making Alex 39 weeks pregnant. Alex still lays motionless on the hospital bed. Liam still by her side faithfully with her. Chase decided to try one last time to get thru to Liam. He had a plan and prayed it worked.

"Liam I went to Alex's house. I found something that you need to read." Chase said quietly.

"What is it?" Liam asked sounding hallow.

"A letter from Alex addressed to you. I think you need to read it now" Chase said. He hands the letter to Liam. Liam reads it.

*Dearest Liam,
I know deep down I hurt you and you may never forgive me, but I have news that may make you hate me even more. I'm sorry and thankful for it. I'm pregnant with your baby. The night we got drunk I told you I was a girl and you told me thank God and we kissed next thing I know we made love. That's not why I am writing though.

If your reading this I'm no longer here in this world. I have a tumor and it's in the last stage. I found out when my friends found me unconscious, but they don't even know. Only you know now.

I loved you and still do, I am also in love with our baby. Please take care of him or her. I don't want them to be alone in this cold world like I was. I don't think my soul would be able to rest if that happened.

Please! I beg you take care of them! Love them like they deserve! They need you! In the envelope I left my will. Everything I own is to go to you two. I want to make sure you two are taken care of for life.

Liam I've never loved anyone the way I love you two. Tell Chase and Sarah I love them too and I'm sorry for being such a burden to you three. Well I'm going to end this letter now. I feel faint and the medicine the Dr gave me didn't work so I'm going to go lay down.

Alexandria Stone *

"Chase is this real or did you make this up?" Liam asks looking hallow with tears in his eyes.

"It's really from Alex. I found it on her desk with the envelope. I looked through it. It's her will. The letter is tear streaked. I'm sure she was scared, but she asked you to take care of the baby. You can't hurt her anymore. You have to step up." Chase said quickly and quietly.

"I won't deny her anything. If this is what she wants. I will do it. I love her enough not to torment her." Liam says quietly.

All of a sudden a gush of fluid fell from the bed. Alex's water broke. They immediately got a Dr. They rushed in and rolled Alex out to the operating room.

Hours later Alex was back in the room the cseceraion was a success. Baby Jaiden was in bassinet next to Alex's bed. Liam was amazed that they made such a precious little being. He was perfect. Liam would give his life for Jaiden or Alex. They were his world. He had Liam's green eyes and Alex's brown hair. He was perfection. He'd keep his promise to Alex.

An hour later Dr.Damon came in to tell Liam that Alex would be leaving shortly for surgery. Liam was scared. Terrified to be truthful. He prayed she'd wake up and remember them.

7 hours later Alex was wheeled back in as Liam was feeding Jaiden. Liam was a little shocked to see a bald Alex with gauze wrapped around her head, but he didn't care if she never had hair again as long as she woke up.

An hour later Dr. Austin came in and told Liam it was a success. Now it was all up to Alex to wake up and come out of it.

13 days later while Liam was in the bathroom Alex stirred. She opened her eyes and seen she was in the hospital. Chase stood up and hugged her. Alex looked confused.

"Chase what's going on?" Alex asked.

Liam heard Alex's voice and burst through the door. Startling both Chase and Alex. Liam started crying and ran over to Alex. Hugging her and her for head before kissing her lips. Startling Alex before she relaxed into the kiss. She wasn't questioning it yet. She'd just enjoy it for now until he found out she was pregnant. Liam pulled away far to soon for her liking but she loved it while it lasted.

"Alex baby I have someone for you to meet." Liam walked over to the bassinet and picked up Jaiden. Walking over to a confused Alex.

"Aww whose baby?" Alex cooed.

"Alex what's the last thing you remember?" Liam asked as he paled.

"I'm scared you'll hate me even more Liam..." Alex said fiddling with her hands while trembling.

"I can never hate you Alex. Sure I may have said it but I love you." Liam said relaxing slowly.

"Liam I'm pregnant with your baby I'm 6 weeks along." Alex said quietly.

Alex cought the look Liam and Chase shared.

"What's going on please tell me your scaring me!" Alex said her voice trembling.

"Alex this is Jaiden. Our son. You've been unconscious since you were 19 weeks pregnant and so much has happened. I confessed my love to you before you wound up here and had surgery. Your tumor removal was a success and." Liam said calmly waiting for Alex to react. He told her everything from Chris to her family to her letter and what he had planned if she hadn't survived. He hid nothing. Knowing that she deserves the whole truth.

"Oh my God..... Is he really mine? I don't remember. Why can't I remember Liam?" Alex asked crying all the while breaking Liam's heart.

"Shhh. Your okay baby. Shhh. I love you always remember that. I'm so glad you woke up. Jaiden needs his mommy. Would you like to hold him?" Liam asked trying to make Alex calm down. Alex nods unable to speak.

"Hi Jaiden I'm your mommy. I love you so much. Both of you. You look just like your daddy. Your so tiny. I've never held a baby before. I'm scared I'll break him." Alex said worriedly.

"You won't break him Alex" Chase says laughing quietly.

"Ah Alex I see you are finally awake. I'm glad I thought Liam over there would starve himself to death." Dr.Damon said. Now that Alex looked at Liam it was obvious he'd lost a lot of weight.

"Oh" that's all Alex could say feeling guilty for worrying them so much.

"Not your fault baby." Alex looked at a smiling Liam. His eyes shining bright watching her hold Jaiden. She'd never seen him look so happy before. She loved it, but he needed to eat.

"Liam go eat your too thin." Alex said.

"Yes ma'am!" Liam said whilst saluting Alex making her laugh. He caressed her face and kissed her lightly before leaving the room.

"How has he been Chase really?" Alex asked while Dr. Damon checked her over.

"Bad Alex. Really bad. I thought he was going to kill himself if you died. I just wish you could remember why you didn't tell us you had a tumor. He lost it. I hope I never see him or you like that again. I was terrified. Alex you both looked like death... If it weren't for your letter I would have lost my brother. Thank you Alex." Chase said trailing off.

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