Chapter 15

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"Miss Stone I am glad to see your awake. How are you feeling?" Dr.Damon asked with genuine concern. He was the nicest doctor she had ever had.

"I'm feeling fine, but I think I'm still in shock. I just never thought something like this would happened to me. I'm just so confused right now. I want to go home and curl up in my own bed." Alex admitted.

"Why haven't you been eating? I hope it wasn't to lose weight. Girls these days starve themselves to be thin. It's a shame." Dr. Damon said sadly.

"Oh my gosh no. I guess in my depression I just stopped eating. I used to over eat when I was depressed, but than when I met Liam. I started eating right and exercising. When everything went down hill. I guess I just forgot to eat. If I wasn't hungry I didn't eat." Alex admitted, wringing her hands in her lap.

"Ah, Well why don't you tell me what has been going on and we can see if theres anything I can do for you." Dr. Damon said to Alex with a small smile. His eyes were bright and welcoming. She opened up to him like she did to Liam, this time the doctor knew the one thing she hid from him, she was infact a woman.

Alex told him what had caused her depression and how she renovated the top floor of her building and was living there. She talked alot about Laura and Mitch. Everytime she spoke about one of them she would smile brightly. She told the doctor about her promise to her father and how she had broken that promise.

"As a consquences of giving myself to him when I was drunk here I am alone nd pregnant. I wont have an abortion. I can't give it up. My only option is too keep the baby. I think I actually want this baby." Alex said her cheeks were filled with a small splash of pink. She and Liam created this baby and she was determined to raise it right. She'd tell Liam somehow. She just needed courage.

"Do you plan to tell the father? He has a right to know he is going to be a father in just under 8 months." Dr. Damon asked.

"I can't, he wouldn't believe me for one and two he'd think I did this to trap him. I can't ruin his life over one night we shared. One night he can't even remember.

"I don't know if that is the best option Alex. Think about it. If he comes around someday and he see's the child looks like him. Wouldn't he suspect it was his?" Dr. Damon asked.

"I don't really know and honestly doctor I would rather not even think about it right now. Right now I just need to get my health in order and go from there. I'll tell him, I just need to build the courage to talk to him again. He told me he despised me and that he never wanted to see me again. I doubt he'd even want to see me, let lone know that someone like me was carrying his child. I might tell his brother first and ask him for advice. Chase was with me when I broke down and I am sure he will help me." Alex said rambling. It was obvious the girl was a wreck emotionally.

"Calm down Alex. If you like I'd like to be your doctor through out your pregnancy. You remind me so much of my late daughter. If you don't mind. I'd very much like to help you through this." Dr. Damon admitted a bit nervous himself. Alex looked at him in shock.

"You mean you would be my doctor like an OBGYN?" Alex asked blushing a bit.

"Yes or no. Depends on what your comfortable with. Like I said it's your choice and I wont pressure you into anything, but just know that even if you decide no. I will still be here to help you. Again you remind me of my late daughter. She was your age and she herself was pregnant, but instead of telling my wife and I she hid it from us and decided to get an abortion illegally and she died from it." Dr. Damon said softly. His own emotions were rising and he didn't want to show them to the already emotional woman in front of him, but she did look like her.

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