Chapter 12

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Over a week later Liam showed up at Alex's door looking like he usually did, but he wasn't in a good mood. He wanted to tell Alex a few things.

"Why Alex? Tell me why!?" Liam yelled. His mind unfocussed. His heart aching. His palms were sweaty.

"I told you. I wanted a friend. I wanted to keep you around. I guess I was being selfish." Alex replied monotonously. She voided her emotions.

"You lied to me! I honestly thought you were a good person! I was wrong!" Liam yelled back. He couldn't seem to not yell at Alex, she showed no response to it either way.

"I wont disagree with that. I wanted a friend. You mistaken me for a man. I never corrected you. I honestly never thought you'd be friends with the likes of me. Yet, somehow you did." Alex replied monotonously.

"Seriously that's all you can say to me!?" Liam yelled. He wasn't completely sure why he was so angry with Alex. Deep down he knew, but he refused to admit it.

"I don't know what you want me to day Liam. You made it very clear you despise me and you wished to never see me again, yet here you are. I wanted to tell you. I really did, but I was always a chicken. I am a coward. I've always been a coward. Your not the only one who despises me and you wont be the last. I was actually hoping you'd forgive me someday, but I see now that wont happen will it. I am sorry I lied to you." Alex replied monotonously.

"God dam it Alex! Was anything you said to me true!? Was your family as bad as you claimed? Is your father really dead? Were you ever engaged? Did you lie about him beating on you?" Liam accused. Liam knew he was pushing it, but he felt he had the right to.

"Don't you fucking go there. I never lied to you other than about my gender!" Alex replied with venom.

"I will go there. You lied to me about one thing. Why not everything else? Your a disgusting filthy liar. I can't believe I fell in love with the likes of you. I hate that I love you right now. I trusted you. I trusted you more than I have ever trusted anyone in my life! I really thought you were different. Alex what is your real name?" Liam said losing steam. He could see Alex's resolve crumbling slowly. He wanted to see the real Alex. The one he, she hid from him. Liam didn't even realize he just admitted he was in love with Alex.

"Alexandria Stone, Alex for short." Alex replied monotonously once again.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Liam asked quietly. His anger gone and his heart weeping.

"It's not like you'll believe me, but I'll tell you. I never had anyone besides my father and grandmother show me any form of real affection. When I met you, you riled me up by getting my gender wrong. Once I got over my anger I realized it was comical and you seemed like a really good person. I never really thought you'd be friends with someone like me. Your handsome, intelligent, and a social butterfly. I'm the complete opposite. I am a shut in. When you started coming over more and more. I wanted to tell you, but each time I craved your company more and more. Before I realized it I fell for you and it was too late to tell you I was a girl. I knew once you knew you'd hate me. I told you the night we were drinking and you said 'Thank God.' I actually thought maybe, just maybe you had seen through me the entire time. The next morning you didn't remember and here we are. Viola. That is why Liam." Alex said. She was close to getting emotional, but was still holding on by a thread.

"Alex, I don't know if I can forgive you ever. Right now I just can't stand the sight of you. The fact you lied to me. I just can't right now. Maybe someday, but not right now." Liam said his shoulders sagged. He started to walk to the door and Alex followed him. Before he could officially leave Alex turned him towards her. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

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