Chapter 10

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Alex hopped out of her shower, her body still dripping water when she heard her phone going off on her beige bathroom sink. She wrapper her petal pink towel around her body and dried her hands before she grabbed her phone.

The moment Alex picked up her phone and seen she had a new message from Liam. Her heart soared. The moment she opened the message however was the worse day of Alex's life. Not even the death of her father hit her as hard as his message had.

'Hey man. Damn how much we drink last night. Ugh. I remember us talking and than nothing, but a blur. What time you go home. Liam'

Alex at that exact moment felt like she actually was not infact real. She felt like an illusion. How the hell could he not remember, the night they shared. He didn't seem drunk what so ever. She knew she was drunk, but she could remember and she out drank him. How could this happen!

Alex was still dripping wet when she called Chase' phone. She needed someone and she needed them now. She knew if she didn't get ahold of someone she'd hurt herself and that was something she couldn't do.

"Hello sweetheart!" Chase said cheerfully on the other end of the phone.

""Alex said sobbing.

"Alex what happened? Are you alright." Chase said worried.

"no come over" Alex whispered into the phone, sobbing harder. She dropped her phone and curled up on her bathroom floor sobbing. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out and thrown back at her.

Chase arrived at Alex's apartment and repeatedly knocked. Alex didn't answer and he was concerned. Something happened and Alex was not alright. She sounded as if she were dying. God what the hell happened to her this time. Chase didn't really want to use the spare key she gave him, he felt as if he were intruding or breaking in. He pushed those feelings aside and let himself in Alex's apartment. As he shut the door quickly. He heard her sobbing. Her sobs were heat breaking. Something serious has happened to her.

When Chase found her she was curled up into a ball in the corner of her bathroom in nothing more than a towel. Her face was pale, her eyes were swollen and red. She couldn't talk. All she could do was sob. Chase was a very fit man. He could bench a hell of a lot. He easily lifted Alex into his arms bridal style as she clutched his shirt as if she were a small child. She held on to him as he took her to her bed and sat down with her at his side. Allowing her to let it all out. He was rubbing his hands up and down her arm. She was freezing cold. He pulled the blanket up to her chin and tried to get her to warm up.

Once she finally drifted off to sleep Chase could see she was still crying in her sleep. He heard her phone beep and he detached himself from Alex's chubby fingers clutching him. He quietly made his way to the bathroom and picked up her phone off the floor. He saw a box of opened razor blades. He picked them up and looked at them. God only knows what Alex was planning on doing with them. He put them in the cabinet drawer and closed it silently. He looked at Alex's phone in his hand and seen she had an open message from Liam and her phone was dying.

'Hey man. Damn how much we drink last night. Ugh. I remember us talking and than nothing, but a blur. What time you go home. Liam'

Something happened last night between Liam and Alex. Liam remembers nothing, so Alex is the only one who knew the story. Chase didn't know what to do, but Alex called him of all people, which meant she needed him. Chase sighed and made his way back to Alex's bedroom to see her curled up into a tight ball on the left side of her bed, still weeping in her sleep.

Chase stood at the bottom of her bed and watched her for a few more minutes before heading to her living room and turning on a bit of classical music. It allowed him to think. He needed to figure out what to do. He stopped thinking about it and drifted off to sleep sitting up on Alex's sofa. Several hours later Alex came out of her bedroom with a teddy bear in her arms and dressed in her favorite green pajamas. She dragged her feet over to the sofa and curled up into a sleeping Chase's side. He woke up the moment she rested her head against him. He wrapped his arms around her. She looked at Chase and his breath hitched in his throat. Alex's bright eyes were dead. Nothing left in them. It was as if Alex was no longer here, but her shell was. Alex must have finally lost.

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