Chapter 7

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It was one week later on Friday night that Alex was due to go on the arranged date with Charles. Alex was scared, what if Charles realized she was in fact not a he, but a she. Her mind was going all over the place. She was a nervous wreck. She so very badly wanted to go over and beg Liam not to make her go. She pushed her fear away and got dressed in a nice pair of black dress slacks and threw on a button up black shirt.

After she was fully dressed and her hair was brushed. She looked in the mirror and her eyes were dear. They didn't have a hope anymore. She really was a shall. She hated herself even more. She never thought she'd stoop this low, not for a man or a friend, but here she is. Liam got her to date another woman, now he has her dating a gay man.

Alex's shoulders were sagged. She tried to be positive, but in the end she could only do so much. She pushed her own feelings deep down. She closed and locked her front door. She didn't want to see Liam before her date. She was afraid she was going to break down if she did. She took her time walking down the steps. When she got out front of her building she looked to the sky. It was gray. It appeared as if the sky were angry, the colors gray and purple swirled into one another, it was beautiful yet depressing. The angels must be crying Alex thought right before she cought her cab.

When she arrived at the restaurant. She forced herself to smile. Alex was escorted to her table, her party had already arrived. She took her seat and looked at the gentleman in front of her. He smiled at her, gave her a million dollar smile. Alex smiled back, shyly though.

Through out dinner they made small talk and they got on well. The only issue was Alex was not interested and her mind was constantly on Liam. She hated being on a date with a man who thought she was a man and than have her mind on someone else on top of it.

Little by little by the end of the dinner. Alex told Charles she had a lovely time. He asked her out again and she smiled at him weakly. She didn't directly answer him though. She hailed her cab and he gave her a simple kiss on her cheek and helped her in to the cab. He was waving as she rode off. She told the driver to pull aside to the local Liquor store. She hopped out and ran inside. Once inside she asked the man behind the counter for the strongest liquor they had. He got her a bottle, than she told him to give her three.

His eyes bulged, but did as she requested. He swiped her card. She signed the receipt, took her bag and hopped back in the awaiting taxi. She had already popped one of the bottles before she arrived home, the driver gave her a pitying look, but said nothing.

Alex arrived at her building, but she didn't want to get out. The driver just looked at her. His face neutral, but she could see he felt sorry for her. She paid him and than tipped him fifty. He was very grateful. She got out of the cab, she was swaying slightly. Alex was a light weight when it came to Alcohol. She had already drank a third of one of the bottles.

She dragged her already partially intoxicated body up the steps to her apartment. She tried to be as quiet as possible to as not to notify Liam of her returning. She just wanted to be left alone. She need to be alone to drown her own sorrows. She didn't want Liam anywhere near her since he was the reason she was suffering.

She walked into her apartment and shut the door quietly. She stumbled over to her couch. Her eyes already filled with tears. She didn't know how much more she could take. She loved Liam more than she had ever loved anyone before except for maybe her father. Even than Liam came in second. She felt bad for thinking that and though 'Sorry Grandma. I love him and in the end I will be alone I don't want no one, but him. Yet he doesn't know I exist.'

Alex slowly was draining the bottle in her hand. She'd never drank this much before, but tonight she needed to forget. Forget everything and everyone even her beloved Liam. When she closed her eyes and slipped into a drunken restless sleep she still wept. Through out the entire night she wept.

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