Chapter 18

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He loves me Alex thought as they left the all to familiar hospital. She's been there enough with the baby and her fainting spells. All Alex wanted was to be home eating pizza with Liam and Chase. Talk and than crawl into her bed. She knew Liam had questions and she was anxious and afraid to answer them.

Liam ordered the pizza as Chase drove. When they arrived at Alex's house on the top floor Sarah was there waiting. She engulfed Alex in a bone crushing hug, but was gentle at the same time. Sarah hadn't found out about the baby yet, tonight she will. Alex being 17 weeks pregnant and all she had a small baby bump. She knew her friends deserved more than she'd given them credit for. She felt guilty and rightfully so.

"Alex! I'm going to smack your bottom! You had me worried sick. You just disappeared on us, without a trace of where you'd gone off to." Sarah exclaimed.

Alex looked down ashamed of herself. She had no words for her friends and their concerns. Her guilt eating her alive.

Suddenly Laura rushed from the elevator and engulfed Alex in a hug. Alex held on to her tightly never wanting to let go. She was young, but she was like her sister. Aiden and Mitch was coming from down the hall shortly after.   Mitch being 13 and afraid of hurting Alex or the baby stood back. Afraid he'd hurt the one person who saved them. His hero, who was suffering and he could see it. He tried to break the tension in the air around them.

"Alex! You need to rest more for you and the baby. It's not good for you. Hell Laura freaked out when she seen the ambulance again. We were afraid." Mitch said quietly.

Sarah turned to Alex and with a hurt expression on her face spoke in a demanding tone.

"Your pregnant and didn't tell us. How could you Alex. I thought we were friends..." Sarah spoke harshly.

Alex swayed on her feet and tried to come up with an explanation as to why she didn't tell anyone. Her head getting lighter by the second. Liam noticing right away. putting his arms around Alex to keep her from falling. He could see she was suffering.

"She can explain in a bit. Let's get her inside and on the couch in the mean time. Pizza should be here shortly and Alex looks pale. Her OBGYN said she needs to be on bed rest, until she delivers and I plan to make sure she follows his orders." Liam spoke confidently as he took the keys from Alex and opened the door to her apartment.

Everyone filed in and spoke no more until Alex was seated on the loveseat with Laura right beside her, holding Alex's hand in hers. Liam, Chase and Sarah on one couch and Aiden and Mitch took up two of the three reclining chairs. Everyone just waiting for answers, that only Alex could provide. Alex leaned back slowly, shutting her eyes. She was so thin and her skin looked translucent. You could tell she was unwell. Liam, Chase and Sarah all wondered if it were the pregnancy or something else entirely.

They were cut from their thoughts as Alex spoke softly. Alex le[t her eyes closed/ She didn't want to see the accusation in them, she knew it would be there. She couldn't face it just yet.

"Sarah, Chase I'm so sorry for not telling you guys I would be here. I was ashamed and scared. Hell I still am. More now than ever." Alex spoke quietly. Laura squeezing her hand to continue. They both knew it had to be done.

"Liam.... I should have told you sooner, but you made it very clear you hated and despised me. I didn't want to make you raise a child, a child you don't remember making. You'd only grow to hate him or her and that's unfair to them. Especially since they've done nothing wrong." Alex said in a mere whisper. Tears leaking from her closed eyes.

"Aiden, Mitch, Laura. You don't even know me, yet you care for me so deeply. Liam is the father of my unborn baby. Before I moved up here, before I met you guys I lived downstairs. Liam was my neighbor. We met when he came to use my shower before his date one evening. He confused me for a very, very fat man. I didn't correct him. I lead him to believe I was in fact a fat man. I had no one. No family. No friends. No one at all. I was desperate and wanted a friend. Over the course of 6 months I fell for him. Never telling him the truth for fear he'd abandon me. I knew he would. One night we were heavily drinking and I finally told him I was a woman and he said Thank God! I was so relieved, than shocked when he kissed me. One thing led to another and we slept together. Than the next day he didn't remember taking my virginity. He remember nothing and than I told him again. He reacted exactly how I expected him too. All over again I was heart broken and alone. Than I build the top floor up and moved up here. You know the rest..." Alex rushed out without opening her eyes.

All of a sudden Alex was engulfed into a hug. She slowly opened her eyes and Aiden was holding her. Aiden was like a father figure to her. He lover her as if she was his own blood. He held her as her walls crumbled. Her sobs breaking the hearts of everyone in the room. They knew she was hurting, but the conviction in her voice gave it a whole new light.

Alex eventually stopped sobbing and got very quiet. No one spoke as Aiden lifted her and carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in. She still had silent tears running down her cheeks. Aiden quiet as a mouse shut her bedroom door and walked down the long hall and back into the living room.

Aiden got right up into Liam's face and spoke bitterly. "You've got nerve to come back into her life after you practically destroyed her."

"I didn't know any of this would happen. I didn't realize at the time what she meant to me. It wasn't until she vanished that I realized I loved her. I need her and I plan to make this right." Liam spoke confidently.

"You better or else you'll deal with me. Alex is like a daughter to me and I ain't going no where anytime soon." Aiden said.

Suddenly a knock at the door broke the tension in the room.

"Pizzas here!" Chase said standing up, heading to the door.

After the pizza arrived everyone got a slice. Liam got up with two plates and went to Alex's bedroom. The Doctor said she needed to eat more and that was exactly what she was going to do.Everyondjust quietly ate and watched Liam's fading figure.

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