34) The One Where There's The Birds and the Bees

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Fat Amy ran out the front door, skidding down the pathway. Chloe was already on the sidewalk. Amy yelled for her to wait. Over and over again.

"Why?" Chloe asked, spinning around to face Amy. Her eyes were wild with anger. But she was still crying. "What do you want me to do?"

"Just, give her a chance, Chloe. Please," Fat Amy begged. "You have no idea-"

"About what? What she's going through? Well what about me for once, Amy? Why can't you just be there for me for once? Would that be so hard?" Chloe demanded.

"I am here for you, Chloe," Amy promised. "And you need this just as much as Beca does. And you know it."

Chloe turned, shaking her head. She began walking away from the house. Away from the pain.

"There must have been a reason," Fat Amy cried. Chloe stopped. "There must have been a reason you came all the way down here. Don't you want to find it?"

"I found it," she snapped. "It's standing in Beca's living room."

"She, Chloe. She's standing in Beca's living room," Amy corrected. "And she's not some lame excuse. She's not something stupid, like Beca's music career, or a new relationship. She's a living, breathing human being who's apart of someone you used to love. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

Chloe stood there, turning around to face Amy. Her bottom lip was violently quivering. Her hands were balled into fists. Her cheeks were stained with tears.

She looked broken.

She looked like Beca.


Meanwhile, Beca was a wreck. It had been a toss up for Fat Amy over who she needed to go to more: Beca or Chloe. But she couldn't fix Beca without Chloe. So she didn't even enter the kitchen. If she had, she knew she wouldn't have been able to leave.

"I love her," Beca sobbed. She was alone, curled up on the kitchen floor. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her voice came out breathless and jagged. "I love her. I love her. C-come back. Please. PLEASE. I love her. Please. Please come back."

She couldn't see. She couldn't think. She couldn't breathe. She wondered if she was dying.

"Help..." She choked out. "Help. Help me!"

Beatrice was sitting in the living room on the other side of the house. She could hear her mother crying. She could hear a woman she didn't know yelling. She couldn't hear Fat Amy, her new safety net. So she didn't move.

She had been told by her momma to sit in the living room, so that's exactly what she did. One too many times she had gone to her mother when she had been told not to, only to find her screaming and crying. It was always terrifying. Beatrice was too afraid to do it again.

"Beca? Beca!" Fat Amy cried, rushing into the kitchen.

Chloe was close behind. However, one look at Beca in that state was enough to send her reeling back into the hallway. Beatrice wasn't the only one struggling to cope.

"Beca, Beca, it's okay," Amy said quickly, clutching Beca to get chest. "Chloe's here. She's here. She's in the hallway."

"Chloe! Chloe, I want Chloe," Beca sobbed.

For a moment, Fat Amy was taken aback. Beca had sounded like the old Beca Mitchell. Just for a second.

The one who needed Chloe when she was sick. Or when she was having relationship problems. Or when she was struggling to make mixes. The Beca Mitchell who just needed Chloe.

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