4) The One Where Questions Are Asked

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Beca sat down on her sofa with Fat Amy. It was a surreal feeling. She'd never expected Fat Amy of all people to be in her house. Despite all Beca's fears, dinner had been nice; Beatrice had been interested in Fat Amy and Fat Amy had likewise been very interested in Beatrice.

Thankfully, they hadn't started talking about anything too personal - just their hobbies, school and work, favourite movies - casual conversation. There had only been one touchy moment, when Fat Amy had asked Beatrice about her friends.

"Beatrice, who was that  little girl nextdoor? A good friend of yours?" Fat Amy had asked, smiling at the happy little girl in front of her.

"That's Alice, my best friend. We've lived next to her since forever. Her and Momma became friends because they both had us in their tummies at the same time. We're in all the same classes at school and Aunt Susan looks after me while Momma works," Beatrice explained.

"That's awesome," Fat Amy smiled. "Do you and your Momma see anybody else? Any other friends?" Beatrice tilted her head to one side thoughtfully.

"I have friends in school," she said. "And we see our other neighbours. Uncle Danny and Uncle Stevie. They're funny!"

"That's it?" Fat Amy asked, surprised.

"We don't know anyone else really," Beatrice giggled.

Fat Amy glanced at Beca, who careful inspected her place of food. There was no mention of Grandparents and no real friends of Beca's, other than her neighbours. Beca hoped that Fat Amy wouldn't read too much into it...

Now, however, it was much later and Beatrice was tucked safely away in bed. They were each holding a glass of coke - Beca didn't have alcohol in her house - and Fat Amy was looking at her expectantly. It made Beca squirm.

"Amy," she said when Fat Amy didn't quit it.

"Beca," Fat Amy mimicked, suppressing a grin. Beca scowled. "What? You've got a lot of explaining to do, missy! There's a child asleep upstairs who keeps calling you 'Momma'! You! Beca 'Effing Mitchell! A child who nobody knows about! What's up with that?"

"Okay, wow, you need to calm down." Beca said, sounding a lot more like her old self.

"Me!? What about you? It's a bit dramatic of you to run off, telling nobody where you went, and suddenly appear years later with a child. Definitely not calm behaviour!" Fat Amy said in a rush back. Beca smiled and rolled her eyes.

'Yep, same old Amy," she thought.

"I didn't just appear! You invited yourself over. Plus she's my daughter, not just any child. It's not like I kidnapped her, Amy." She replied, shaking her head.

"Well you could have done for all I know," Fat Amy shot back. "You've been gone eight years, Beca. I don't know you anymore."

A silence fell between them then. Beca knew she was right. Maybe Fat Amy hadn't changed, but she certainly had.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, not looking at Fat Amy in the eye.

"Why did you do it?" Fat Amy asked. "Disappear without telling anyone?"

"It's... complicated..." Beca sighed, still not looking up.

"I could have helped you," Fat Amy said softly. "I'm your best friend."

"I know," Beca replied guiltily.

"I was worried," Fat Amy continued. "I looked for you."

"Really?" Beca asked, suddenly looking up at Fat Amy, who laughed.

"Yeah," she exclaimed. "Of course I did! And I wasn't the only one."

Beca didn't ask who else had looked, it wasn't hard to guess. She'd had great friends at Bardon, of course they would look for her.

"Jesse was completely broken hearted," Fat Amy was continuing. Beca was only half listening, this wasn't a subject she wanted to think about. "And not to mention-"

"No!" Beca yelled, surprising even herself. "Please," her voice lowering to a whisper. "I don't want to know about anyone else... I don't want to talk about it at all..."

Fat Amy looked at Beca hard. Beca looked away. Her eyes had unconsciously began filling up with tears. She didn't notice until Fat Amy pulled her into a tight hug and began rubbing her back.

"The Beca Mitchell doesn't cry, remember? Isn't that what you told me once?" Fat Amy whispered gently, rocking them.

"That was a long time ago," Beca said back through her tears.

"Oh, so your a crier now?" Fat Amy chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "I suppose stranger things have happened." Beca smiled weakly into Fat Amy's shoulder.

They stayed like that for several long minutes. Beca didn't want to move and Fat Amy was too worried about losing her friend again.

"Beca," she said quietly into the girls hair. "What happened? We were so happy. We won the Worlds, for crying out loud! We graduated! That was all your hard work. You should have been proud."

"There was other stuff going on too," Beca whispered. "Private stuff..."

"You mean-" Fat Amy began.

"Please," Beca choked out, cutting her off. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not?" Fat Amy asked. "I thought-"

"It doesn't matter anymore." Beca snapped, suddenly pulling away from Fat Amy and standing swiftly up. "None of it matters anymore."

Walking purposely to the living room door, Beca stood by it and held it open. Fat Amy stood up too, distress written all over her face.

"There's a spare room upstairs, fourth door on the right, you're welcome to say there. The bed's already made up. Goodnight." Beca said, before spinning around and walking up the stairs. Fat Amy watched her go, not knowing what to do.

This Beca Mitchell was definitely not The Beca Mitchell she had been expecting.

With a sinking feeling, Fat Amy was left to wonder if her Beca Mitchell was gone forever.

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