10) The One Where Explanation Begin

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Fat Amy had been in LA with Beca for over a week now, but Beca still wasn't used to seeing her old friend's face every day. She also had no idea how long Amy would stay. Forever? Beca certainly hoped not.

Beca was planning to go back to her own house that day; she needed to sleep in her own bed. Beca also knew that she had to get back to work. She hated having to have so much time off, her boss would slaughter her soon. However, she didn't know how to get back on with the present with her past standing over her shoulder.

"Bec?" Susan said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You're not breathing."

Beca realised that Susan was right, she was holding her breath. She could feel her heart thumping hard through her chest, almost hurting.

"Breath, Beca." Susan stated in her no-nonsense voice.

"Right, right..." Beca mumbled, taking a deep breath. "Sorry..."

"What's wrong, Beca? What's stressing you out? Tell me." Susan pushed. "We both know this is messing with your health."

Beca put her head in her hands, dragging them up her face and pushing her hair back. Susan bumped her shoulder gently against Beca's, a silent sign of support.

"I know," Beca sighed. "It's just... Ugh, what do I do about her, Sue?" Susan tilted her head, shooting Beca a confused look. "Fat Amy." Beca clarified. "What do I do? Take her home with me?"

Susan spun Beca around so that they were facing each other head on, keeping her hands on Beca's shoulders for a moment, before dropping them down to clasp her hands. Beca physically cringed at the pitying looking in her friend's eyes.

"Talk to her," Susan said simply. "I know you don't want to, but you have to talk to her, Becs. It's the only way she'll go away. She wants answers, and only you have them." Beca started to shake her head, her eyes full of terror. "It's your decision, honey. Make sure you make the right one..."

Susan's words swam around Beca's head all day. She felt as if she was functioning on autopilot as she packed up the things that had been brought from her house to Susan's while she was sick.

The feeling still didn't go away as she did all the normal things she usually did; like making up the beds at home so they were clean, getting food out for everyone's last dinner all together and making sure her daughter was entertained.

Fat Amy helped, of course, but tried her best not to be overwhelming. Beca was clearly still very fragile and not quite herself. Not that Amy actually knew who Beca's new self was...

Beca could tell that Amy was desperate to get to know her again, but didn't know how to go about it. She often found herself thinking back to the old days, when they were just college students sharing a room. Everything had been so much easier back then.

"Alright, scamp," Beca called up the stairs to her daughter. "Time to go home, say bye to Alice."

Fat Amy and Susan went to the hallway to meet Beca. Susan embraced her tightly, holding on to whisper in her best friend's ear.

"You can do it, Bec. You'll be fine," she stated reassuringly.

"Thanks, Sue. For everything... again," Beca whispered back, holding on tightly. Susan laughed it off, squeezing back.

"Go on, you. Get going. Long walk back across the lawn," she joked.

"Right," Beca laughed, pulling back. She turned and said goodbye to Alice while the others all said goodbye. Then she finally led Fat Amy and Beatrice nextdoor into her own home.

"Right, Bee, it's time for bed." Beca told the girl, pointing her in the direction of the stairs. "It's been a busy week and now it's time for an early night. I don't even want to know how late you and Alice have been getting to sleep!"

"Aww, Momma! It's not been that late!" Beatrice whined, grabbing Beca's arm. "Please can I stay up?"

"No," Beca laughed. "Go on, pj time! I'll meet you up there."

Beatrice huffed up stairs, reluctantly. Beca smiled after her. Fat Amy watched the exchange with never ending amazement. It was still strange for her to see Beca parenting. Beca turned and caught Amy's expression.

"What?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing," Fat Amy said, putting up her hands. "It's just that... You're a mom, Beca! And a good one at that. It's just...weird, you know? You're all grown up..." Fat Amy tried to explain herself. Beca just shrugged.

"Well we all have to grow up some time." She said simply. "Now you'll have to excuse me; it's story time."

Fat Amy lasted a whole five minutes before sneaking upstairs to secretly watch 'story time'. She listened quietly on the landing, peaking into Beatrice's bedroom.

Beatrice and Beca were cuddled up in the bed together, Beca holding the book. She was reading it with different voices for all the characters, causing Bea to squeal​ with laughter.

"'Then be off home as quick as you can,' said the Faun. 'And, c-can you ever forgive me for what I meant to do?'
'Why, of course I can,' said Lucy, shaking him heartily by the hand. 'And I do hope you won't get into dreadful trouble on my account,'" Beca read.

Then she happened to spot Fat Amy out of the corner of her eye. She put the book down slowly, stroking her daughter's hair.

"That's enough for now," she said gently to a tired Bea. "We'll go back to Narnia tomorrow. Sleep well..."

She kissed her daughter, turned off the light and pulled the door to. Fat Amy opened her mouth to speak, but Beca put a finger to her lips and pointed down stairs. Fat Amy nodded and together they went down and sat on the sofa.

"I'm sorry I ruined your story," Fat Amy apologised. Beca waved her off.

"Don't worry, you didn't. I was about to finish anyway," Beca reassured her. "Did you want something?"

"Yeah..." Fat Amy began. "Speaking of stories, wasn't there one you were going to tell me?" She asked tentatively. Beca sighed and looked away, her stomach dropping. "Please?"

"Alright," she whispered defeatedly. "I'll tell you everything, but it's a long story. I don't know why you even want to hear it..."

"Because I have questions, Beca! We were best friends! All of us! Me, you...everyone..." Fat Amy cried, her eyes welling up. Beca's did too, causing her to stubbornly look away.

She didn't know why they were both so emotional all of a sudden, when they had been fine just a moment ago. Beca put it down to the fact that it was getting late and nobody had been getting much rest of late.

"People lose contact, Amy. They break apart, it happens. It's just apart of life." She protested, wiping away a tear roughly.

"But not us, Beca. Not the Bellas. Especially not you and..." Fat Amy trailed off, distracted by a choked sob from Beca. Amy reached out and put a hand gently on her arm. "What happened, Beca?"

"We just got lost. Carried away, I guess." Beca replied, trying desperately hard to regain some composure. But she could feel the tears coming.

"But don't you miss her?" Fat Amy asked gently, wrapping her arms around her friend.

In that moment, Beca gave in. She hugged her best friend back tightly and nestled into her chest, letting her sobs take over her.

"Every day."

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