21) The One Where There's Understanding

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A silence fell over Beca and Fat Amy as Beca finished her sorry tale. Beca was crying uncontrollably, her face an unattractive flush of red to match her running nose and bloodshot eyes. Fat Amy, for all her years of knowing Beca, had never seen her look like that. Or anyone for that matter. It was then that Fat Amy realised why that was; she had never seen anyone truly heartbroken before.

"So now you know," Beca choked out, her voice weak from talking for so long. It was one o'clock in the morning by then, after a long, exhausting couple of weeks for them both. It was no wonder they were both spent of energy.

Fat Amy opened her mouth to speak, but changed her mind. Without warning, she flung her arms around Beca's shoulders and held her friend tightly to her. For a second Beca froze, uncomfortable with the close level of intimacy she was receiving while being so vulnerable. But then she completely let go. A wailing sob left her lips as her fingers curled tightly around Fat Amy's t-shirt. Her body shuddered uncontrollably and her breath came out in sharp gasps.

"I miss her so much," Beca cried desperately. "So mu-uch." Fat Amy proceeded to rub Beca's back calmingly as her friend cried, desperate to make her feel better.

"I know, I know," she soothed softly. "But Beca, if you miss her this much why haven't you ever gone to find her? You're obviously in love with her."

"Because it hurts so much," Beca sobbed softly. "I can't face her again. Not after what I did to her..."

Fat Amy looked at Beca carefully. She could understand Beca's point, it had been a dramatic and emotional time for her and Chloe. But did that really mean that they couldn't be together now?

"Beca, I really think you should reconsider," Fat Amy said softly. "It's been eight years, for crying out loud! You never know how Chloe feels now. Don't you wanna give it a try?" Beca raised her eyebrows sceptically up at Fat Amy.

"You should know," she said. "Aren't you still in contact with everybody?"

"Sure," Fat Amy said, nodding. "But after everything happened we couldn't talk about you without Chloe throwing something, so we just don't mention you in front of her anymore..."

"Oh that's really reassuring, Amy," Beca groaned, rubbing her temples with her thumbs. Fat Amy shrugged apologetically, smiling at Beca. "Look, I can't go anywhere any time soon anyway. I have a job and a child, both of which I need to be in the area to do properly."

"But-" Fat Amy protested.

"But nothing!" Beca shot back. "Look, I know you're just trying to help, and I really appreciate that, but I can't do this now. Especially since it's already one am and I have work in the morning."

With that, Beca gave Fat Amy a quick smile before saying good night and heading off to bed. Fat Amy followed suit, silently vowing to change Beca's mind by the end of her visit.

The next day Beca got up for work as normal. It was like last night had never happened. Or, if she was being honest with herself, like the past four years of her life with the Bellas - before Beatrice was born - had never happened.

She woke up her daughter for school, got her dressed and fed - all after getting herself ready - and plonked her in the car. Fat Amy followed her around dutifully, offering to help any time she could. Beca tried to feel grateful, but it wasn't easy. In fact, she could barely look at Amy she felt so awkward after the night before.

But she let Fat Amy drift about nonetheless. That was, until she had Beatrice belted into the car. She noticed Fat Amy going around the other side of the car to get in, but Beca swiftly raised her to stop her friend. Silently she beckoned her away from the car.

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