13) The One Where Everything's Confusing

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Beca sat at her desk the next afternoon, trying her hardest to actually get some work done. She had just got back from a her first shift of the day and she was exhausted.

However, it was proving impossible to get anything done with the silence coming from her phone. She couldn't stop staring at it, her fingers lighting up the lock screen every ten seconds to check for any new replies.

"Come on, Jesse. Come on," she muttered under her breath. "Please answer me... Come on..."

She gripped her phone tightly in her first, glaring at the device like it was the phone's fault. She willed it to buzz, desperate to make amends for her behaviour the night before.

"Ugh! This is ridiculous!" Beca yelled, throwing her phone across the room.

Immediately, she regretted the decision and moved to pick it up. Before she could get up however, she was stopped by a notice from the floor bellow. A creaking of floorboards. Beca froze.

She heard someone coming up the stairs, causing her to reluctantly spin round. She was embarrassed at her sudden outburst and loss of control. But mostly embarrassed that she had been caught. The girl in the doorway smirked at her, hands on hips.

"Losing your temper up here?" Fat Amy asked wisely. Beca nodded frustratedly, letting out a groan as she dropped her head into her hands. "Trouble in paradise?"

"You could say that," she shrugged. Amy smiled and picked up her friend's phone, placing it back on Beca's desk.

"Tell Fat Amy all about it," Amy grinned, sitting down on the edge of Beca's bed. Beca smile unwillingly and swivelled around to look at her best friend.

"I apologised to Jesse five times and he still hasn't answered," she admitted.

Beca blushed after she'd spoken. It seemed silly now she said it out loud. And so unlike her. What did she care if her stupid boyfriend hadn't replied? Quiet a lot, apparently...

"Maybe he's busy?" Fat Amy suggested optimistically.

"For six hours?" Beca shot back. "He's not just busy. He's clearly not speaking to me."

"It's not like The Beca Mitchell to get upset over a guy," Fat Amy pointed out. "What's up?"

"I know I was wrong," Beca groaned. "Ugh, I just want to apologise and get this whole fight over with!"

Fat Amy smirked, enjoying seeing a different side of her tough best friend. She reached out and put a hand on Beca's shoulder, gripping it hard. Beca winced, trying to shrug her off. But Amy was persistent as ever.

"And now you have." She stated. 'You've done your bit. You just have to wait for him to accept your apology. Then bring on the make-up sex!" Fat Amy teased, winking. Beca didn't even crack a smile.

Fat Amy paused, tilting her head to try and crack a smile out of Beca. Nothing. Beca stayed tight-lipped and unamused.


"No." Beca replied firmly.

There was a pause, Fat Amy clearly assessing Beca's mood to know what to say next. The she thought looked, the harder she tried to remember the last time Beca and Jesse had spent the night together. Definitely a while...

Any other time, Amy would have said something. But she could sense that Beca wasn't going to budge.

"Well, come on then," she said, opting for a change of subject. "Let's go."

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