6) The One Where There's Only Darkness

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It was dark and the surroundings were unfamiliar. But the bed was comfy enough, and exhaustion was definitely still suffocating the room. With drooping eyes, it wasn't long before sleep once again took over.

Sleep which was occasionally disturbed by the sound of distant voices, but it was impossible to distinguish anything other than the fact that they were voices and they weren't far away. They drifted around like the tide, just out of consciousness.

But it was also familiar. She had been here before. Often. The pain, the confusion, the nausea. It had all been felt before. Since the day everything went wrong.

It took every once of strength to keep the memories at bay. So much so that even opening your eyes became impossible. There was no energy left to use. There was only darkness. 

Eventually, a crack of light slithered up the room. A voice whispered into the darkness, cutting painfully through the air. It was a sharp,but distorted, sound. The light was burning, leaving only one option; to recoil from it.

At long last, the light slipped away as quickly as it had appeared - taking away with it the sharp, distorted voice - leaving only relief in its wake.

Time was unnecessary now. It existed, yet didn't exist at the same time. It was impossible to gage. It slipped out of reach like a rainbow, perhaps just a trick played by mother nature. It didn't matter anyway. How could anything matter, when there was nothing? Only ever-present darkness, broken by intervals of pain.

Thoughts were erratic; zaps of electricity. Breathing was heavy; lungs full of bricks. Skin prickled; sharp needles nipping in and out, in and out. A pull on the heart; someone else's heart calling out to it.

Confusion. Pain. Longing. Tears. Relief. Panic. Nothingness.

The darkness pulled hard, filling every nook and cranny of the surroundings. It was toxic, taking you in and holding you tight. Impossible to escape, impossible to wake. It was everything and nothing.

Illusions swirled around the shadows. A single note. Running water. Smiling teeth. Metallic silver. A heavy beat. Shouting voices. A crying baby.

A wisp of red.

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