39~It's Not Over

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Kate's POV

I walk into my hideout area when I see drunk college kids with bloody necks and booze

I walk deeper into the room to see Michael and Melissa drinking

"Really? You just came back from the dead and the only thing you've done is piss me off"

"lighten up" Michael stands "no I won't lighten up. I would like to keep a low profile thank you, just incase I have to burn this town to the ground"

"How weak. A real leader would exposed themselves when they destroy somethings. Take pride in it. That's how they get known for their actions that's how they get feared. And once you're feared no one will ever take you as weak. But of course if you want to live a naive little life then go ahead, be weak, it's not like you're new to it"

Isabella's POV

Ethan and I walked into Ethan and Grayson's house with food for everyone one for a game night

It's been a couple days since they came back

Boy when we told James you could feel the happiest coming off of him

Ethan and I started talking food out of the bags when Brie came in for a drink

"So how was it getting to food?" "Oh it was fine, except this one couldn't decide on what chips to buy" Ethan says

"Well I didn't want something nobody would like"

"That explains why you bought 6 different flavors" he hip bumps me and I hip bumps him back and laugh

Brie looks at us confused and then Ethan says "I'm gonna go tell the guys I'm here"

Once he leaves I unpack the stuff

I stop when Brie looks at me "What?"

"You're not...starting to like Ethan are you?"

"No of course not we're just friends"

"Uh last time I checked you weren't even that. In fact you guys didn't start getting close until Grayson died"

"Grief brings out the best in people. Brie I promise nothing is going on. Why would I ever lie to you?"

She sighs "fine. Well have you talked to Olivia?" "Not much. You?"

"No but she called and said she probably can't it. Her mom has the flu"

Ethan come walking out of the room "Brie have you seen Grayson?"

"No why?" "Because he's not here"

I shuffle through my bag and grab my phone

I click his name and he answered "hey"

"Bey. Where are you?" "Just making a quick stop before I come back" "oh ok"

Grayson's POV

I hang up let out a heavy breath and walk inside

"What did you want?"

She turns to me "So glad you could make it Grayson" "it's not like you gave me a choice you did threaten me"

"How's life treating you?" She walks over to me "it could be better" "well this will be quick. I just need a slight favor"

Olivia's POV

While talking to Michael and Melissa I hear a scream

"Who is that? Is that Grayson?" I try to run towards the sound but she held me back

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