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it is five years to the day that sebastian proposed to rachel and a lot has happened in the years that have past some things expected some not so expected.

a few months after maggie and martin had their ceremony and sebastian and rachel became engaged the trial of charles assaulted martin took place. charles was sentenced to eight years for it and then while the law firm which he had run had to sort out his paper work in his office discovered several interesting documents. it was discovered charles had been embezzling from the firm and hiding money over seas to avoid it been discovered so as a result his recieved a six year sentence which was to run concurrently with his eight year sentence for assault he was banned from working in law and maggie sebastian martin and rachel all were granted permanent restraining orders.

eight months after maggie had filed for divorce the divorce was granted she got half of every thing martin bought charles's half of the firm and ran the company the idea was when sebastian graduated from law school he would get the half maggie owned and then would eventually own the whole company once martin retired.

maggie and martin had a surprise for sebastian as rachel was the year above him at school and graduated they offered him the chance to go to a prestigious school in new york so that they wouldnt be apart. sebastian happily accepted the offer and was even happier when thad's parents heard about it and decided to send thad there too.

while sebastian was supposed to board at the school he spent almost everynight at the loft with rachel unless kurt pissed him off then he would sneak rachel into his dorm.

perhaps the biggest surprise that nobody expected was shortly after sebastian had graduated from high school maggie and martin adopted a little girl called faith who was four years old. martin loved been a father so much so that the year after they adopted another little girl called grace who was three years old.

three years after rachel and  sebastian had left ohio for new york they got married faith and grace were their bridesmaids. they had now moved into an apartment of their own kurt and blaine lived next door and thad and melanie who were also now married lived across the hall.

rachel had quit nyada as her broadway career had taken off first she had scored the role of fanny in funny girl then maria in westside story which blaine played tony.

sebastian was in his final year at nyu as was thad who planned to work for martin once he graduates.

sj's health has continued to improve and he and lily are loving having faith and grace around the house.

skylar has opted to be a doctor after losing his dad he wants to do his best to prevent others going through that also with almost losing his beloved grandad he wants to help medical science fight cancer and diseases. he is in new york studying medicine and lives two apartments away from sebastian and rachel with his fiance carla who he met at college.

maggie had devoted the years that have past to enjoying life with martin and raising her two daughters they had considered adopting a boy after faith but maggie said she already had the best son she could hope for so they had adopted grace.

present day

sebastian is making his way along the bust new york street trying not to spill the two coffees he is carrying he is aware he looks like a maniac as he cant stop the smile on his face as he heads to the hospital.as he reaches the hospital he rushes to the elevator  and sees his mom and martin in the elevator

" mom" sebastian said hugging her trying yet again to not spill the coffees.

" congratulations " maggie said

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