chapter two

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its now Wednesday and rachel has just arrived at a shopping mall in westerville to meet sebastian he wont tell her why they are meeting there though.

as rachel gets out of her car a slight gust of wind causes her to shiver so she goes to the trunk kf her car to get her cardigan... then she feels arms wrap around her and she cant help the smile on her face.

" hello my lovely " sebastian said before turning her round and kissing her.

" hi" rachel said feeling bashful as he gazed into her eyes after they broke the kiss.

" i love how shy you are sometimes i look forward to taking care of that but in the meantime lets get inside the mall as i have a surprise for you" sebastian said

" ok let me just get my cardigan " rachel said

" no need my lovely.. you can where this" sebastian taking his blazer off and placing it around her shoulders.

he then tuck hold of her hand and led her into the mall the good thing about been in westerville was it was unlikely that they would encounter any mckinley students.

" so whats this surprise " rachel asked

" well you know we are going to the dance at dalton well if my memory serves me correct that night is out one month anniversary. so i thought what should i get my lovely fir our anniversary and then it hit me i am going to buy your dress for the dance" sebastian said

" you dont have to get me anything " rachel said

" nonsense im rich rach enjoy the perks though not all the perks of dating me involve money or clothes" sebastian said rachel giggled.

" this looks like a nice store" sebastian said stopping outside a very expensive store.

" it looks expensive " rachel said

" what did i just say it's for our anniversary its a special occasion it has to be a special present" sebastian said

" but only if your sure" rachel said

" rachel have you ever known me do something i dont want to do" sebastian said before leading her into the store.

they were in the store for about an hour and half rachel tried on several dresses before chosing a purple floor length figure hugging dress.

" now we have your dress how about we have some dinner" sebastian asked as they left the store.

" ok" rachel said it was nice been able to be in public together instead of been couped up in his dorm not that she minded that.

" ooh chinese" sebastian said as they reached the food court after trying on the dresses rachel had warmed up so sebastian was now wesring his blazer.

they opted to have chinese sebastian went to get their food while rachel sat at their table she glanced at her beautiful dress in the beautiful box it had been put in. as she had tried the dress on it was the first time she had ever seen herself in the mirror and been happy with what she saw.

" hey hobbit" a voice said rachel grimaced it had been such a lovely afternoon but santana lopez had arrived rachel knew this wasnt going to be good.

" hello santana " rachel said as santana pulled sebastian's empty chair out and sat down.

" so man hands what a loser like you doing at a mall in westerville "  santana asked

" whats it to you" rachel asked though she looked past santana and saw sebastian still stood at the counter.

" whats in the bag" santana said before rachel could react santana had snatched the bag.

" hey guve me that back " rachel yelled.

" wow gorgeous dress but why do you have it your not good enough to wear this dress" santana said standing up with the dress still in her hands.

" give me it" rachel demanded.

" no hobbit i think i will keep itlord kniws it will look better on me" santana said

" give the dress back" sebastian said stood behind santana holding the tray which he then set down on the table.

" fivel wht has this got to do with you" santana said

" everything seen has i bought it for her now you give her dress back to her or you will be weating my chow mein" sebastian said

" wait you bought... hold up dont tell me your shacking up with manhands what is it some kind of ploy by the warblers to distract her so you can win sectionals " santana asked

" i assure you its nothing of the sort now i am only going to ask once more give her dress back to her" sebastian said

"fine its not like she will look good in it anyway" santana said handing the dress back.

" well i going to go inform the glee club about this" santana said

" hold it" sebastian said

" what fivel" santana said

" you seem to forget im not afraid of you now you might think you can bully ra hel but you cant bully me but the thing is rach and i are now what you could call a package deal. what im saying is you hurt her you hurt me and i am a rather vengeful person." sebastian said

" oh you two wont be a package deal for long not when the glee club  finds out" santana said before walking away.

" are you alright " sebastian asked rachel.

" no" rachel answered honestly.

how about i ask them to put our food in take out containers and we go to my dorm" sebastian asked rachel nodded.


rachel was laid on his bed cuddled up to him when were watching reruns of friends both were quiet. santana's voice echoed in her mind and rachel was dreading school tomorrow.

then her phone started to ring she looked ather screen it was kurt she had told him she was visiting a family friend with her dads so she knew he wouldnt just ring her it could only mean one thing santana had told him.

" who is it." sebastian asked

" kurt" rachel said

" i will answer it " sebastian said

" no" rachel said

" better him yell at me than you" sebastian said before taking her phone from her...

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