chapter twenty

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after spending the day together they headed back to rachel's house for her to change for dinner she wanted to look nice.

she knew she must look good as sebastian was very touchy feely with her as she left her bedroom he wasted no time in grabbing her and wrapping his arms around her and showering her neck with tender kisses.

" you look beautiful its a good thing we are going in your car if i was driving i would have to make a detour and show you just how beautiful you look" sebastian said as they walked down the stairs.

" quite a way with words havent you" leroy said as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

" sorry" sebastian said

" dont be i cant say i like hearing it about my daughter but i cant bkame you for been enchanted by her" leroy said

" bye daddy" rachel said

" bye to both of you and enjoy your dinner" leroy said.

they left the house and headed to her car once she set off she put the radio on but she didnt like the song so she turned it off.

" shall i search the stations for something " sebastian asked

" yeah" rachel said sebastian switched the radio back on and changed stations and let get it on came on. rachel blushed slightly sebastian changed the station again. only this time flo rida's whistle came on sebastian started singing along. the song was already near the end and when it finished pitbull and Enrique Iglesias's i make the girls go came on.

" is it me or is it like its trying to tell us something " sebastian said

" shut up" rachel said blushing.

" im just kidding you know there is no rush though i might have to start going to the bathroom occasionally to see to any developing situations" sebastian said

" you went to the bathroom at the lima bean" rachel asked

" yeah that was the extra shot of espresso i mean i do love my coffee but it doesnt turn me on " sebastian said

they arrived at his grandparents house rachel felt so nervous now although she had net his mom and aunt it hadnt been a proper meeting.

" right then my lovely its time " sebastian said taking her hand as they headed to the front door which was pulled open before they reached it my his grandma.

" hello again" she said

" hi rachel said shyly.

" no need to be shy my dear the fact that seb dating you irrates charles so much makes us love you already anyway come on in" she said

" grandma as you know this is rachel and rachel this is my grandma lily" sebastian said

seb lead her through to a huge living room it was very elegant yet homely maggie was sat she sniked at her as they entered then they was a man in a wheelchair who was also smiling at her.

" rachel this is my grandad s.j grandad thi is rachel" sebastian said

" nice to meet you" rachel said

" its a pleasure to meet you my dear why dont you two sit down" he said

sebastian lead her to the couch opposite his mom his grandma had sat next to her.

" nora and skylar will be here shortly " maggie said

" so i hear your destined for broadway " his grandad asked.

yes sir" sebastian said

" call me s.j my name is sebastian jacob its gets rather confusing with him" he chuckled pointing at seb.

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