chapter eleven

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sebastian is sat on his bed in his dorm room  which is nothing like the one he had at dalton its half the size and the bed is no way near as comfy.

sebastian is writing a letter to rachel he knows his dad might have told the school to monitor his mail so he plans to address the envelope to thad with another envelope insode containing his letter to rachel.

he sits their tears stinging his eyes as he pours his eye out writing all the things he wished he had been able to say to her but never got the chance. he wants her to know that even though he is across the world from her he cant stop thinking ahout her. he wants her to know he has never felt like this before and he wants her to know what his heart has been telling him all along that she is the one.

how long he sits there writing he doesnt know but page after page his emotions and words flow he is sobbin but feels better at gettig it out.


is at home sat on her bed doing what she has done for the past few days she is thinking of himjust when she was genuinely happy it was ripped away from her. while her anger at the situation had made her snap when santana had started on her. now she wondered if what santana had said had some thruth behind it was she determind not to be loved. the only guy who had loved her was now thousands of miles away and she still didnt understand why not really why had his dad decided to send him back.

rachdl reached for her journal  and began to write how she felt the previous night she hadnt been able to find the words but tonight the words flowed.


at dalton niff and trent were in thad's room celebrating the fact that thad had given the srate attorney the video of charles shoving sebastian.

" i wonder if charles knows yet" jeff said

" who care he is a bastard seb has never got along with him" thad said

" i text seb a dozen times but i havent heard from him do you think he is alright" nick asked

" his dad took his phone off him" trent said

" wait do you remember how seb used to check his old emails on his computer in his dorm" trent said

" yeah" nick said

" well what if he has the same email address now we could try to contact him" trent said

" dont you think he would have if he could" thad asked

" have you ever emailed him before " trent asked

" well no" thad said

" exactly he wont know are emails " trent said the four hoys all exchanged glances.

" we should go check his computer i think its still in his room its dalton property " jeff said

" hold up there is just one problem we dont have a key and seb was the expert lock picker" nick said

" i have a key" trent said  the other three boys looked at him oddly.

" i knew about him and rachel i used to let her in dpwhile he was at lacrosse practise " trent said

" righ then come on." thad said ghe four boys walked as silently as they could to what had been sebastian's room.

" its so weird his name plate not been there" jeff said as trent unlocked the door.

the four boys rushed over to the computer and switched it on and waited for it to load.

" what time will it be in paris " nick asked

" no clue" thad said he sat down at the computer.

he then went to the emails iconnon the scrern but it had been signed out.

" damn it" heff said

" wait cyeck the bin you never now" nick said jeff looked around for the waist bin.

"i meant on the computer " nick said

" welldone Nicolas we have hit the jackpot his email addres is" thad said

" thats one thing you can always say about him he knows  just how cocky and snobbish he is" trent said

"right then lets get this email typed" thad said

hey seb hope you get this its thad trent and niff we just want to know your alright. well we kniw your not but kets us kniw if you get this. we told klaine the situation kurt and rachel have made up so she has her best friends back. dont really know whatvfo put just let us know when you get this.


" and send" thad said

" right then lets check tomorrow see if we get a reply " as trent said tbat the computer bleeped like it did when an email had been recieved.

" is it him" jeff asked

" it has to be" nick said

thad clicked on the email

hey guys its great to hear from you yes its me how is she?have you seen her? tbnks for telling kurt never thought i would say that but its nice to know she has someone looking out for her. thad i have wrote her a letter but i dont kniw if my dad has instructed the school about her so i have addressed it to you. also can you give her my email address then i can communicate with her directly. does she know the thruth?


thad typed their reply

hey seb its good to hear from you ofcourse we will give her your email address i already thought of that. she is missing you like crazy im not going to lie to you and say she is fine because she isnt. however blaine told me she yelled at santana so thats something. as soon as i receive your letter i will get it too her. we will do anything you need us too.


they waited for a minute before

thanks guys im plotting my way out of this place


thad typed

we thought you would be oh and just so you know i dont think your dad is going to be getting his promotion


they wait a another minute.



thad chuckled as did the other three boys.

dont worry about it but we have your back once a warbler always a warbler he sent you away now he will pay


a moment later

whats with the poetry


" honestly he is still sarcastic via email" thad said

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