chapter fifteen

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sebastian was still at at his computer emailing rachel it was now almost three oclock in the morning but he was too happy chatting with her to sleep and so it seemed was she.

also his mind was racing about his mom he had been angry with her thinking she had agreed to sending him here now he knew she hadnt even known about it. he worried about her confronting his dad as he had learned the hard way his dad wasnt someone to be trifled with. he wondered what the news of his mom now knowing would mean for him could this be his way back to rachel.

as sebastian sent rachel an email they were mainly just joking around making ech other laugh when someone knocked on his dormroom door. thinkin he had woken thw guy next door by laughing he got up drabbed his dressing gown and opened the door and saw it was the headmaster.

" young master smythe would you come to my office please" the headmaster said

" is this about me refusing to do the latin assignment " sebastian asked

" no your mother is here" he said

" she's here" sebastian said shocked

" yes please come with me" the headmaster said

sebastian follwed hom to his office unable to take in ghe news his mom was here did his mean he was goingbhome he told himself not to get his hopes up but he couldn't help it.

as they reached the office the headmaster opened the door but stepped back to let sebastian enter first no sooner had he taken a step towards the door his mom appeared and grabbed  him into a tight cuddle.

" oh sebby im sorry im so sorry" she said crying.

" mom you didnt know" sebastian said

" thats not the point its my job to keep you safe and how did you know i didnt know" she said

" thad told me i have been emails some of the dalton boys..." sebastian said

" and rachel " she mom said smiling at him.

" how" sebastian asked

" thad he as proven to be quite useful " maggie said

" what did dad do" sebastian asked

" what do you mean" maggie asked

" thad said you were livid and was going to confront him" sebastian said

" i was half way to his office when i realised your my priority sebby i figured if i got to you and made sure yoyr safe then i can deal with him" maggie said

" mom" sebastian said

" yes seb " she said smiling at him.

" can i come home" he asked

" thats a funny question the answer is yes you can come back to the states but we are not going home we will stay at my parents" maggie said

" so im going home im going to see her" sebastian said tears dripping down his face.

" she must be some girl" his mom said

" she is... he didnt..." sebastian started to say.

" who care was the bastard thinks anymore" maggie said

" when do we leave" sebastian asked

"we are book on a flight at lunch time tomorrow i realise your desperate to see rafhel but having flown here im exhausted " maggie said

" your welcome to stay in a share dorm mrs smythe" the headmaster said

" thank you but im booked into a hotel and im taking sebastian tonight he usnt staying here another go pack sebastian " she said

" actually i never unpacked" sebastian said his mom beamed at him.

" you know people say you have the smythe determination but i think your from my side of the family your resilient" she said

" can i at least call you a car to take you to your hotel" the headmaster asked

" that wouod be great thsnk you" maggie said

sebastian ran to his dorm and to his computer he sent rachel  a quick email before getting dressed and grabbing his things.


rachel had fallen asleep at her computer waiting for him to respond she had yet seen the emial that was on her screen right now which read

hey my lovely

my moms here im coming home rachel we fly lunchtime tomorrow i cant wait to see you

seb xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx


sebastian  was now sat in the back of taxi with his mom he couldn't believe what was happening he watched as this old school faded into the distance.

" i had a rather interesting chat with your headmaster before he went to get you" maggie said

" oh really" sebastian said

" yes you have been a rather naughty little sod havent you" she said though she was laughing.

" i couldnt help it i didnt want to be there" sebastian said

" dont worry im not angry nor am i surprised out of everything that has happened you been a shit is what i would expect." she said

" can i go back to dalton " sebastian asked

" ofcourse you can" shw said smiling at him.

" dad wont..." sebastian started to say.

" seb you forget i didnt marry into a rich family im from a rich family my father always hatred your dad he will pay for dalton and anything else that will piss off your dad" she said

" how are you going to deal with him" sebastian asked

" im not sebastian the courts will he should know better than anyone that sending a child out of the states without the mothers agreement us illegal. plus i have had a habit over the years of rummaging through his office i have photocopies of some rather interesting documents. oh dont worry sebastian he is going to be destroyed and i wont stop until im satisfied " maggie said

" i have never seen you like this" sebastian said

"i dont think i have ever felt as determined in my life he broke the law of nature he forgot that a mom will do anythign for her baby and that a mother's love is the strongest love of all" maggie said

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