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Jealous - emu118

Puck snickered as he walked away from Blaine, turning around and feeling a sudden wave of guilt wash over him at the sight of the short boy standing in the middle of the corridor, looking completely lost, betrayed and hopeless. Puck shook that horrid feeling before shrugging and continuing on his walk to glee club.

Of course, Blaine didn't show up and Puck remained silent when Kurt began asking anyone if they'd seen Blaine. When Kurt began texting Blaine and calling him, that twang of guilt pushed at his throat again and threatened to spill the words off of his tongue but Puck pushed the feeling down, rolling his eyes and attempting to focus on Mr. Schue rambling on about the week's assignment being original songs.


The next day, Blaine showed up to glee club with a frown on his face. The boy was sitting at the opposite side of the room to Kurt who was looking completely rejected as he kept glancing from the floor to his best friend.

"Blaine, you had a song you wanted to sing?" Mr. Schue nodded to the boy, Blaine standing up and moving to the front of the room.

"I, uh, well, I heard what this week's assignment was so I wrote my own song." Blaine paused, looking down at the guitar he'd picked up, "Its- well, I have some... unrequited feelings, lets say. And I'm- well, this song explains everything."

Blaine took a deep breath before beginning to play the opening chords on his guitar, singing when the time came.

I hate where I'm at
Acting crazy like that
I know that I've been wrong
It's something I've been working on

Blaine shook his head, smiling in disbelief at what he was doing. He'd never thought in a million years that he'd admit his feelings, let alone sing about them in front of the whole glee club.

And I don't know what to do
It's changing me, it's killing you
I'd tear out my insides if I could
But I don't know if it'd do me good

Blaine had cried a lot while writing this song. The words were so true and accurate. Blaine had changed a lot since he first recognised his feelings and his changing had also been affecting one of his closest friends.

I'm sorry friends, I'm sorry lovers
To put us all in this mess
I know we've still got each other
But I'm in distress

'Cause every time that I feel like I've figured it out
Can't seem to figure it in
It's got nothing to do with me
It's not even you, you see
It's part of my chemistry
It's this jealousy

It hadn't taken him any longer than half an hour to write this song, most of that time was spent on working out the melody anyway. The words just came so naturally to him and it was like he'd just learnt how to speak and express himself for the first time.

In absolutely no position
To be so needlessly unkind
When I'm the one writing this fiction
Make it real in my mind

As the chord changed, Blaine began bouncing up and down on the stool he'd sat down on. This verse was, once again, true. Blaine knew he had no right or reason to feel this way, he couldn't be jealous of something someone else had if Blaine never had it to begin with.

It drives me crazy in the morning
Who is this monster in the mirror?
I try to get the steam to fog it out
But I just can't get it clear

Finally glancing up from his guitar for the first time since he'd started playing, Blaine took in the various people watching him. For the most part, people seemed to be enjoying the song, a few people seemed slightly confused by the meaning but enjoyed it anyway. Then there was Kurt.

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