Okay i know i know

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Everyone Ever: You said this story was over dammit!

I know I'm sorry, but most of my fans have read this story and I have to explain my absence.

I'm not sick. Or going through problems, it's not school or writers block I'm just working on stories!

I have a lot of stories (By a lot I mean like 2 lol) that I'm working on and I just haven't published them yet (only for my friends for like an hour).

But if you wanna see those let me know!

Thank you for your time

Love your Trashiest Author

Books in Progress:

1. The World of the Mystical

2. Crow.

3. Levy and Lucy Celesta

5. Maid

6. Percy Jackson x Fairy Tail (If I even chose to publish it)

7. The Wild Wolf (Remake)


8. Female.

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