The Grand Magic Games

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"BRATS!"Master yelled catching our attention.
"What is IT Master?"Mira said cleaning a glass.
"We'll be participating in this years grand magic games!"He started, "our team will be Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Okaurma, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvell, and Elfman as backup."He finished walking back into his office.
"AWSOME!"Natsu yelled getting back to his fight with Gray.
On the way to the stadium.
I lay Laxus and Natsu on my lap to soothe their motion sickness. Poor sting I can't help him.
"Sorry Stingy Bee."I said.
"It's ok I'll get your lap on the way home though."He said. I nodded I silently fell asleep humming a tune.
5 Hours later.
I woke up and woke up Laxus and Natsu. I tried to stand up but my legs failed.
"Uh I can't feel my legs."I said nervously. Laxus chuckled and put me on his back. I squealed but wrapped my hands around his neck.
"Thanks."I said. He nodded as we walked with everyone I heard whispers.
"That's the guild that couldn't win for 7 years."One said
"Yeah thy literally came in last the entire time."Another said. I growled.
"It's ok Luce let them talk we'll just show them in the games."Natsu said happily. I calmed down and nodded.
In the Inn at 12:00 am
"Welcome to the Grand Magic Games!"Pumpkin yelled.
"This year will start with the Magic labyrinth GUD LUCK."He yelled we all ran out <Her team>
"Ok guys I have a plan Grab on."I said holding my hands out. They all grabbed on to me and I focused on the exit teleporting us there.
"And Fairy Tail you've made the fasted record with 3.5 seconds you may leave!"Pumpkin yelled surprised. I teleported us back happily.
"Thanks Luce now we're guaranteed a spot!"Natsu said hugging me. I hugged back.
"Ok time for bed!"Erza declared.
"Alright!"I said climbing into bed with Natsu.
The next morning at the Stadium.
"In 8th place we have Qurato Surbrus." <Spelling> Kabo yelled. They walked out.
"7th place we have Blue Pegasus!"He yelled again.
Again Time skip because you know the rest.
"3rd place we have our winners of last year SABERTOOTH!"He yelled. They walked out the crowd completely shocked at them being in 3rd place.
"Wow And our 2nd place winners are Fairy Tail Team B!"He yelled. Laxus, Sting, Mira, Gajeel, and Juvia walked out.
"So Metal Face Laxus and Sting are competing too."Natsu said.
"And in 1st place we have Fairy Tail Team A wow what a comeback for Fairy Tail with their strongest members back in play!"He finished. We walked out and heard booing.
"This is Unmanly."Elfman commented.
"Let them boo We can just show them better."I said. We all nodded in determination <Undertale lol>
"Our first battle this year is Hidden pick your contestants." Kabo announced.
"I'll go."Gray said.
"Alright."Erza said.
After the hidden battle because it too boring.
Gray walked out his head low as he took off his shirt and punched the wall.
"Gray-Sama...."Juvia mumbled walking out as well.
"Our next battle is Lucy Heart-"Kano started.
"ITS OKUMURA DAMMIT!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.
"L-Lucy Okuruma vs Lyon Vastia."He said. I smirked as Gray returned as well as Juvia.
"Kick his Ass Lu."He said. I gave him a fist bumb and walked out into the arena.
"Are you ready to be beaten?"He asked cockily. I stayed silent.
"Not much of a talker huh?"He said. Once again I stayed silent.
"BEGIN!"Pumpkin yelled. He lunged at me throwing a punch I just dodged with no problem. He went wide eyed.
"What you thought I haven't had practice?"I asked him. I took my sword out as flames erupted from my body my fangs sharpening my ears lengthening and my hair became blue.
"W-What the hell a-are you?!"He asked obviously scared.
"I'm Satan's Daughter."I said simply. He looked at me like I was the death of all.
"JUST FOCUS ON NOT BURNING HIM!"He yelled back. I closed my eyes and focused. My eyes shot open and I attacked him.
"Ice Make Eagle!"He yelled. My sword cut through his attack. I seethed my sword going back to normal. I breathed heavily.
"Alright Lucy Pedi Pedi."I heard Gemini say. I nodded them summoning themselves.
"Measure the Heavens, and open them wide... Through the shining of all the stars of heaven, make thyself known to me. I am one with domination over the stars.... Release thy aspect, a malevolent gate, SHINE URANOMENTRIA!" I chanted as it seemed like the planets and stars surrounded me hitting Lyon but not at full power or I would kill him 😅.
"And OUR WINNER is Lucy Okuruma!" Pumpkin yelled. I grabbed Lyon and took him over to his team mumbling a chat to heal his wounds.
"I healed him I apologize greatly for hurting one of your own."I bowed now seeing their wide eyed faces.
"We appreciate your help."Jura said In nodded and walked away.
"Nice GOING LUCE!"Natsu said happily. I high fives him and sat on the ledge.
"THAT CONCLUDES THE FIRST DAY OF THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES EVERYONE GO HOME!"Kabo yelled. We all fled to our inns chatting about  today's game.
"I'm going to bed night guys."I declared sleepily. They nodded and said good night. I fell asleep Natsu Laxus and Sting next to me.

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