The Grand Magic Games Part 2

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I woke up surrounded by Laxus Natsu Sting and Lila. I slipped on a new outfit today <Media 1st one>. I decided to make breakfast for the whole guild, this would be a big breakfast. I started to sing <Media Song>.
"Wow Baby you sing really well."Sting said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I'm making breakfast for Fairy Tail." I said. He nodded walking to a seat.
"Hey watch this I'm gonna go check up on the rest of them and tell them about breakfast."I explained. He nodded again. I walked into Erza and Jellal's room.
"I'm making breakfast in like 30 minutes report to my room."I told them. They nodded as blush covered their cheeks. Weird.I walked out.
"Gajeel Levy in about 30 minutes come to my room for breakfast!"I yelled inside.
"Fuck it EVERYONE IN 30 MINUTES COME INTO MY ROOM FOR BREAKFAST!"I yelled. I heard a yeah and ok Lucy. I walked back to see Sting cooking, wait really he can cook?
"I never knew you could cook."I said leaning against the wall. He looked at me and smiled.
"Before I met Wes I think my mom taught me but It's just a talent I've known my whole life."He said flipping the pan of Pancakes. I hugged him.
"Ok I'll take over."I said scooting him over.
"Whatever you say."He said happily sitting down.
ABOUT 30 minutes later
"Breakfast is ready."I said as the long table filled with food. Everyone fled in sitting down in random seats.
"Thanks Lucy/Luce/Blondie/Bunny Girl/ Lucy-nee/Lu-Chan/."They said. I nodded sitting down between Laxus and Natsu.
At the Stadium because I got bored af
"Welcome to the second day of the Grand Magic Games WITH OUR SPECIAL GUEST Mr.Cool from sorcerer weekly." < I honestly couldn't find his name I think it's Jay but could you please Comment I NEED HELP!>
"Ok our first battle of today is Pandemonium pick your contestants."Yajima said.
"I'll go."Erza declared. I walked up to her and hugged her.
"Be careful this doesn't look easy."I said. She nodded hugging me back and walking off. I sighed.
"100 monsters Erzey that's difficult even for you."I mumbled.
"The Pandemonium is a arena where you pick if you fight 1 2 or 3 monsters, If you get defeated by one you're out, A class monsters are very weak, B class are just a bit stronger, D class are the strongest as a group, The S class is 1 monster that is THE strongest and is the strongest when the last one."Pumpkin explained.
"Fairy Tail Team A Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail Team B Cana Alberona, Blue Pegasus Hibiki, Lamia scale Jura, Raven Tail Obra,Mermaid Heel Millianna, Sabertooth Ogra, Quarto Puppy Novali." Kabo yelled their pictures popping up on screen.
"These numbers are the order you will pick the number of monsters you want to go after." He said handing out a cardboard number to everyone.
"Erza how many will you be going after?"Pumpkin asked.
"I shall go against....All 100 Monsters."She declared. The crowd went quiet.
"A-Are you sure?"He asked. She nodded confidently.
After the battle cause Kit is bored.
Erza hold her sword up high as the crowd erupted in applause. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
"I knew you could do it."I whispered as the rest of Team Natsu tackled me and her.
"That was amazing I'm still crying!"Wendy exclaimed happily.
"I'm just upset that I took so long."She said sadly.
"She just defeated all those monsters and she apologized about taking to much time?!"Pumpkin thought In His head.
"Well since Erza defeated all 100 Monsters she has scored 10 points for her team, ALTHOUGH we have improvised for the rest of the contestants."Pumpkin announced,"Its called the Magic Power Finder or the MPF for short, the participant will send an attack at the MPF and it will read how strong it is, THE highest score wins 10 points for their team."He finished.
"Millianna is going first."Kabo yelled.
"Kitty Power!"She yelled. <Yes it's made up its 3 am and I don't feel like looking up the real spell>
"345."It read.
"Mind if I go all out?"Jura asked.
"That's what it's for!"Pumpkin responded.
"Earths power attack!"He yelled. A giant beam of gold sprout from the ground.
After the rest Now it's Cana's Turn.
"She's Drunk."Mira said in disbelief.
"It's time to Assemble, Oh river if light that's Guided by Fairies!"She started.
"Wielding that spell is not easy it takes an incredible concentration and power , Cana has both, I know she won't fail this."Master Mavis spoke.
"Shine your light so I may vanquish the makes of wickedness, FAIRY GLITTER!!"Cana finished. The whole arena seemed to explode sending rock everywhere most people were surprised while Ivan and Jura were ecstatic.
"So Cana has the power to wield one of the 3 grand fairy spells?" Ivan pondered. When the smoke cleared the MPF showed 9999.
"How what that Everyone! Don't worry Fairy Tail has just started to Rock your world!"Cana boasted holding her hands on the air. I smirked.
"NICE ONE CANA!"I screamed. She gave me a thumbs up,

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