24. Model Call

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Here I️ am sitting here unable to fall asleep at 1:35 at night, and I️ decide that it's time to blow the dust off of Queen Bee and get it going once again. I️ guess you could say I️ am back.

There will be a longer authors note at the end of this chapter giving you a bit of an explanation of my absence. Feel free to read it if you would like.

As always, do what you do best. Vote, comment, tell me you missed me because I️ missed you.


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24. Model Call

7,014 likesivoryanderson my reaction when I️ found out that I️ will be going to LA to do a huge spread for @reebok this month! Thanks for the amazing opportunity!

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ivoryanderson my reaction when I️ found out that I️ will be going to LA to do a huge spread for @reebok this month! Thanks for the amazing opportunity!

6:31 P.M.

view all 2,038 comments...

@kevkeller DANG MAMI

@itsjugheadj you're gonna kill it Ivory

@cherylbombshell slay my blonde queen

@reebok We are so happy to begin working with you, I️vory. Your arrival with definitely be a celebrated one!

@archieandrews I️ am so proud of you, Ives

@bcooper ahhhh so excited for you, girl!

@ronnielodge my hottie sista is killing it!

4:46 P.M.

It was two days after Archie and Ivory had an amazing performance at the Variety Show. All of Riverdale now saw the pair as the enviable IT couple of the town. Their relationship was the epitome of perfection in everyone's eyes.

The second the fun of the Variety Show was over, a new problem was brought to the attention of the teens of Riverdale.

I'm the midst of the Variety Show hysteria that occupied Ivory, Veronica, and Archie, Betty and Jughead were out playing a game of Sherlock Holmes. The pair not only discovered a new lead in the Jason Blossom murder investigation, but they also discovered that Polly, Betty's unheard of sister, was carrying the dead teenager, Jason Blossom's, child. And last heard, Polly was missing.

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