8. Oh No Archie

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This week is going by so slow. It's only Tuesday. Uhgggg I want summer.

Anywho, I think this chapter is so cute and stuff so I hope y'all like it bc I rlly do.

"I'd tell you about it, but then I'd have to kill you."


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8. Oh No Archie

1,920 likesivoryanderson oh, archikins, you've gotta stop getting punched in the face so I can take a pic of your entire adorable face #ohnoarchie @archieandrews

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ivoryanderson oh, archikins, you've gotta stop getting punched in the face so I can take a pic of your entire adorable face #ohnoarchie @archieandrews

3:02 P.M.

view all 367 comments...

@yaboireggie maybe he wouldn't get punched if he didn't over step his boundaries

@itsjugheadj Reggie, shut up @yaboireggie

@cherylbombshell ^^^

@kevkeller ^^^

@archieandrews ^^^

@bcooper ^^^

@ronnielodge ^^^

@archieandrews my adorable face loves when you take pics of it

@itsjugheadj smooth, man. real
smooth @archieandrews

2:37 P.M.

"You need a ride home, Archie?" Ivory spoke as she knocked on the door of the nurse's office. He embarrassedly looked up to her, holding an ice pack to his now black eye. He simply nodded his head before standing up and following the blonde out of the office. "Let's go, champ." She patted the red head's back as they walked out of the school and got into her car. 

The majority of the ride was silent. The only noise being the noises of the outside world and Archie's hand pressing the ice pack to his eye continuously. Sooner or later, Ivory's convertible pulled up to Archie's home. She wasn't sure if she wanted to do it or not. Should she tell him what she heard last night? Should she keep it to herself?

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