Chapter 2; Kim Seokjin

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      "Hello, Kim Seokjin. I hear you prefer to go by the name Jin, correct?"
       I fidget nervously in my seat as my new doctor's eyes bore into me. I feel like he's looking right through me. It's creepy. I nod after a minute or so of just dead silence.

     He smiles and a chill runs down my spine

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     He smiles and a chill runs down my spine. I don't like him. He just gives off...weird vibes. Everyone else seems to love him and thinks he's the best thing ever but to me...he's just strange. His eyes, for one-never waver from me. Ever. I feel uncomfortable.
     "Jin? Did you hear me?" He keeps the same constant and cool smile while he sits legs crossed with a clip board. I've yet to see him write anything down. We've been here for 45 minutes.
      I shake my head and he sighs.
     "You need to speak. You spoke to all of your past you have some problem with me?" He asks patiently and I shrug again just to annoy him. I hate him.
      "Do you dislike me?"
      "Do I make you uncomfortable?"
      He narrows his eyes but never stops smiling. Freaking creep. Maybe he should be locked in a psych ward...
      "This obviously isn't working..." he glances around his cozy office. "Let's try something else, shall we?" He sets his clip board aside and motions for me to come to him. I tense up and glance at the doors. I don't want to go anywhere near him. He scares me. How can no one else see it? It's all in his eyes.
     "Now. Come here." His voice grows hard and it makes me anxious enough to move so I get up and slowly trudge in front of him. I don't understand how this is-
     He grabs my arm and forces me on his lap. I open my mouth to scream but he covers it with his hand. "Come down. I'm not hurting you so don't scream. I just want you to learn to trust me. I'm your doctor now. You need to get used to me." He seems rather self pleased to me.
      I cross my arms and glare at the wall across from us. Why can't I have my other doctor back?
"I w-want Dr. Min back." I pout and fidget uncomfortably over his lap. His hands are cold and he smells...medicinal. Gross. Dr. Min was always nice and brought me snacks. He was warm and smelled like mint. His hair was cool, too! Jiminie liked him, too. "Why did he leave?" I ask, restless.
He hums and tights his grip around my waist so I can't move. "He was given a promotion in another hospital and had to leave. He won't be back. You need to understand that I'm not going anywhere. Let's get over this issue, ok?" He replies coldly and his icy breath tickles my neck, making me shiver.
"I want to leave. C-can I go back to my room now?" I finally ask. Trying to be a good boy so I can go cuddle with Jimin.
"Fine." He lets me go and I get up immediately. "But tomorrow I expect you to talk to me like you did with Dr. Min or we'll stay in this room until you do. I'm here to cure you not coddle you." He announces and I practically run out of the door and up the stairs to my ward.
Jimin looks surprised as I plop down beside him. "Are you done already? You usually went twice as long with Dr. Min." He muses and I roll my eyes.
"I hate him, Jimin! He's so mean and cold to me. And he just stares like a weirdo! He thinks I'm stupid...I don't want to see him again." I pout, crossing my arms. My favorite nurse smiles down at us and hands me my smoothie. I take it grudgingly and take a seat.
"I can't believe Dr. Min left us! I m-miss him." Jimin mumbles, tearing up. "He was so nice and...and...pretty." He whispers, his face heating up. I laugh and poke his side.
"You like him! Ha!" I tease him and make kissy faces while he pouts and pushes my arm.
"Shut up! I d-don't!" He whines.
"It's ok, Jiminie. I won't make fun of you. You're my bestest friend for life so I don't care." I admit and his eyes widen.
"You're my bestest friend forever, too, Jinnie. I love you." He sniffles and collapses in my arms. I hug him tightly before dragging him to my room so we can nap and cuddle before he has to go eat. Who needs doctors anyway when I have Jimin beside me?

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