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So hello my readers. 

As you know, I have been on a break from writing anything Fairy Tail for a while. 
I was hoping I would get back into anime again to be honest. 

Sadly, Kpop was too addicting and I have lost all sight of any hope of me returning to anime. 
***cue dramatic music***
The last thing I saw that was anime related was when Yuta from NCT dressed up as L from Death Note for the 2017 SM Halloween Party and I don't even watch Death Note. 
(and to all my fellow NCT fans: Hello, what's up!?) 

Anyway, the real reason for this Author Note was not to make everyone mad or want to kill me. I was just looking at my books and realized that this book had over flippin 4k views!!!! Like gee, these are some of the most cringey things alive and yet you people read this???!!

I honestly never thought this book would ever get over 300 views because there are some good Fanfictions out there, and maybe 4k is not a lot of views anymore for Fairy Tail, I wouldn't know because I'm always reading Kpop FanFiction. 

But I just wanted to say hi and thank you for all the reads. 
Maybe I'll be sucked back into anime, maybe I'll start writing in this again, I dunno what the future holds. 
Heck, I could die tomorrow. 

(way to go Piper, had to make it dark didn't you)


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