Sting - Defiled Sister

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In the quiet town of Magnolia, a guild called Fairy Tail rests. This guild is often the cause of many towns exploding and buildings collapsing.

"I can't believe you! You defiled my sister!" A Dragon Slayer shouted loudly.

"It's Dragon Slayer season!" The other Dragon Slayer defended. "I couldn't help myself!" He argued.

Dragon Slayers are mages trained by dragons or as we have learned, some are implanted with lacrima. They take on the ability to use dragon-like attacks, resulting in them being very strong, actully being able to consume their element as long as they didn't produce it themselves. They are the only mages recorded to be able to actually kill dragons.

"Get a hold of your lust then!" The first shouted, eyes narrowed angrily.

"It's not my fault! I bet you can't control yourself either!" He yelled, clearly trying to point out that the other Dragon Slayer was just as bad as he was.

Dragon Slayer Mating Season, happens once every 5 years. Like dragons, the Dragon Slayers find a mate and then mark them. Usually marking their mate makes them get super protective and aggressive until mate.

"At least I haven't mated with my mate!" The first argued, suddenly thinking about a blonde.

"But you both marked each other! And-" someone cutter him off abruptly.

"Shut up flame brain and loud mouth!" Gray shouted at the Dargon Slayers. "Lucy, tell your mate and your sister to shut up!" He complained, looking st the two once arguing Dragon Slayers.

"Y/n M/n(middle name) Heartfillia! Can you please shut up?! Same goes for you, Natsu." The blonde scolded her mate and her sister. They both hung their heads. "Why aren't you with Sting?" Lucy asked her younger sister who looked up.

"He's got guild master stuff to do and plus we both go crazy if we're in the sane room together for more then 6 minutes." The Sound Dragon Slayer explained, not blushing even a little. Everyone else blinked at her innocent act while she was saying how she and Sting were starting to get pretty lustful with each other.

"Um okay." The celestial spirit mage blinked at her little sister. They looked nothing alike. Lucy was a blonde with brown eyes while Y/n was a h/c (other then blonde) haired girl with e/c (other then brown) eyes.

"Well anyway, its 4 o'clock and Sting wanted me back at the guild before 6." Y/n explained, already feeling nauseous about the train ride back to her guild, Sabertooth.

"Bye." The Fairy Tail guild shouted as the h/c haired mage left the loud guild hall.

"So Levy, how're you a Gajeel doing?" Lucy asked the short blunette, who spit out her water.

"What?! Where'd you get the crazy idea that me and Gajeel were a thing?!" She coughed to try to settle the water stuck in her throat.

"You have a dragon mark that's the color of iron, I think that what gave me the idea." Lucy smiled at her best friend who was blushing beet red.

"Um, oh yeah about that......aren't you worried about what your sister and Sting are gonna do tonight?" Levy asked, suddenly changing the subject.

"N-Yes! I am very worried!" Lucy says and sprang from her chair near the bar. She started running towards the guild doors.

"Where you going?" Levy yelled to the blonde questionly.

"To at least try to appear that I care about what my sister does with her mate this evening!" She shouted back, heading towards the train station. Huffing, she spotted the train going to Sabertooth's guild pull out of the station. Giving up she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Make sure to use protection!!!!!" She could see you turn millions of shades of red from the train window.

"Lucyyyyy." You complained, covering you face in your hands, embarrassed.

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