Natsu - Gravestone

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Two Updates Today! You could say this is another part of Her Last Words but it kinda isn't I dunno~

Three forms hid under a black umbrella in the rainy morning. "You were named after this woman." The mother said softly as a tear dried itself on her cheek. The daughter glanced at her before looking at the gravestone.

"Daddy?" She asked as her father silently sobbed.

"Yes Y/n?" His voice broke as he said her name. His onyx eyes still held love for the dead girl before him. He would never stop loving her and Lucy understood that. She had accepted that after they got back together after her death. She was happy he still and would always love her. She deserved it.

"Do you love her still?" She asked.

"Y/n Nashi Dragneel!" Lucy exclaimed. Y/n lowered her head. Natsu smiled and rubbed his daughter's shoulder.

"Of course I do. I always will. You should to, she's your guardian angel."


"She has some slight heart problems." The doctor said softly to the couple. The blonde woman burst into tears and the man glanced out the window to hide his tears.

"Can we see her?" She choked back sob as she spoke.

"Of course." He said and left the room.

. . .

"Mrs. Dragneel, Mr. Dragneel. We have some great news. Your daughter has no  heart problems. Their must have been some fault in our systems which is surprising but nonetheless your daughter is safe to go." A nurse smiled as she placed the girl in her mother's arms.

Natsu spotted a small note on the blanket and picked it up. "Huh?"

Thanks for naming her after me. Have a splendid life with her and Lucy! I'll always be there to talk and comfort any of you.
-Y/n L/n

Natsu smiled to himself before hugging his wife and daughter.

<><><>Flashback Over<><><>

Y/n turned to the gravestone. "Thank you, I love you even though I don't know you!" She placed the white roses on the marbel grave. "Bye!" She yelled as they walked towards the car.

And in the clouds, an angel with h/c hair waved back. "See you later too." She whispered.

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