Sting - Come Home

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                                                        THIRD PERSON POV


f/p – Favorite pie (or cake if you don't like pie)


The delightful smell filled the little girl's nose as she glanced at the f/p that was on the counter. She dipped a finger into the golden crust and happily licked it with a giggle. Her grandmother smiled at the little girl who looked much like her parents, who had both joined the war in hopes to end it before it was brought to their home country. 

"Grandma?" Y/n asked curiously as she stopped puncturing the f/p. "Why is Sting so mean to me?" She asked sadly. "Why does he keep saying mom and dad won't be coming back for me?" Her grandmother's heart broke in two. It was possible that her parents would die in the brutal bloodshed, yet she had hope. Hope would bring them home, hope would lead them back to their daughter. 

"Oh, Y/n." She sighed. "Don't listen to him, he doesn't know anything." She lied as she thought of Sting's father, Weisslogia, had gone off to war and hadn't returned. Sting clearly knew how the war was affecting the world around them. "Now, go wash your hands. Dinner is almost ready." She shooed the child away, a sad smile on her thin face. 


"Sting! Sting!" Y/n yelled loudly as she waved at the arrogant blonde. He huffed before sauntering over to her. 

"What is it Y/n?" He asked cooly. The little girl jumped up and down. 

"Tell me about your dad!!" She demanded clapping her hands energetically. He sighed before agreeing and sitting down. Y/n plopped beside him and laid on her stomach, feet dangling in the warm spring air.

"Well, um, my dad was part of the army." He began hesitantly. "He was a commander, uh, a person in charge." He explained at the girl's confused face. "He was part of the almighty Dragon Force group, only the best of the best could get in there. Wesslogia, my dad, and Igneel, you know Natsu's dad, would always argue." He half smiled as he reminisced. Y/n nodded her head furiously as she remembered the salmon haired boy that lived across the road and a few houses down. 

"There were a few who even got into the group. They all became quick friends. Wesslogia, Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeeny, and Skidruim." He named off the five soldiers from memory. "I know he loved them all, as friends." He rushed when Y/n was about to ask about his mother. "He was the strongest one." Sting boasted, breaking the serious mood before returning to it. "He sent us letters almost every week on mondays, it always brightened up my mother's face with joy. I missed playing ball with him, taking hikes with him, I was so happy when we got his letters. And when we found out he would be coming home soon we were so happy." Y/n smiled, her shiny white teeth showing. 

"So, when's he going to be here? I would really like to meet him!" Y/n asked innocently. Sting's blue eyes full of light slowly became sad and dark. Y/n crawled over to him and wrapped a slim arm around his shoulder. "Well?" She prompted.

"He's gone." He spat. "He was suppose to be leaving the battle field after serving for five years. But his group was bombed, he was the only one out of the Dragon Force to die; Igneel, Metalicana, and Skidruim were unconscious and serverly hurt while Grandeeny got out with multiple broken bones and internal bleeding but otherwise she was good. Probably because she was the best at medical stuff in the group." Sting sniffed sadly. "So yeah, you can't meet him...cause he's already gone." Tears pooled in his eyes.

All Y/n thought of was comforting the blonde boy and that's what she did. She softly cooed in his ear and hugged him till his cries became quiet. "I'm sorry." She murmured. 

"You shouldn't be, you didn't know." Sting's muffled voice came through. 

"Hey Sting?"


"Promise me you'll never join the army, no matter how bad it gets. I can't lose anymore people in my life."

"Okay, I promise."

Okay, this I'll probably became have a part two, but I haven't decided. 

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