Lyon - Good Is In Goodbye

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How lucky am I to know someone who is so hard to say goodbye to...

The crowd applaudes as I bow. I smile, looking through the crowd for Lyon. Once I spot the ice haired man I wave. He waves back, his teeth showing  from his smiling mouth. My one true love. 

My breath sped up as he clapped. I noticed a female gazing at him in bewilderment. Was she wondering why he was so estactic? 

I'm not telling you it will be easy...

"Stay away from Lyon." The same girl from the concert spits. I blink at her. 

"I don't understand." I said with my head tilted to the side. 

"How naive are you? He's mine!!" She sashayed away

"Well she's weird."

Never regret anything because at one point it's exactly what you wanted...

"Hey Lyon, wanna hang out today?"

"Sorry babe. I'm busy with something." His voice sounded different, weirder. 

"Are you sick Lyon? Should I come over?" I swallow a sob as he answers.

"No! I mean, please don't." That's when I hear another voice in the background. I know exactly whats happening. 

He's cheating on me with that concert girl.

"Well okay, feel better." I say in a cheerful voice. I can hear a snicker from the girl on the other line.

I don't think you can ever forget someone that once was the reason you smiled...

"Hey Y/n?'' Lyon calls out. I walk closer to is locker. 

"Yes?' I haven't been able to look at him the same way since that day. 

"I think we shouldn't date anymore." He looks away. 

"I know you are seeing that concert girl. I heard her on the phone last week when you were 'sick'." My words are venomous and Lyon flinches. "That's right, I'm not as innocent as you might think I am." I spin on my heel and speed walk to my next class. 

"Wait Y/n!!" He yells, scrambling after me. I ignore him.

How do you say goodbye to someone who had you at hello...

I ignored Lyon as he attempted to explain. Finally he gave up. At least I thought he did.  So I moved  on like a solider on a battlefield. 

I would never fall in love again, I made myself promise. Love only brings pain and despair.

I am a solider in war. I will possibly return but never the same. 

You will always be my favorite hello and hardest goodbye...

Every night I found myself crying into my pillow. The war had tore a whole through my heart with a steel bullet laced in poison. 

But this was only a minor wound. I could survive if I wanted.

But did I want to?

Goodbyes hurt the most when the story is unfinished...

I walk to school, my mind a hollow echo of who I use to be. Why did it hurt so much? Oh yeah cause everyone else was flaunting off their boyfriends. 

All they talked about was how awesome their significant other was.

It hurt because I still loved Lyon. I watched the rushing river from the high bridge. White roses surrounded the park as it was a spot weddings were held in the summer. White roses like Lyon's hair and like the flowers he gave me for our first date.

I don't hate you, I love you. But loving you is killing me. So this is goodbye even if i don't want it to be...

I lift a foot up onto the railing. Then the other. I teeter back and forth before smiling. This world is such a bittersweet place. So filled of happiness and agony. 

Do I want to do this? I think before deciding. I can't......I'm going too....

I don't wait another second before stepping off the railing. 

I Will Never Forget The Way You Hurt Me

Looks like this solider isn't going home.

Guess what?! Lyon was gonna propose to you and that girl was his sister!!!!! He was nervous and that's why his voice was different. BTW I will not be revieving reader as a heads up for anyone who wants that coz it ain't happenin!!!

So........this is very similair to my Goodbye Is Hard chapter......wellllllllllllll anyway~

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