Lyon - Forever

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Once upon a time, there were two children. A timid girl with curly h/c and an adventurous boy with spiky silver hair. They were such an unlikely pair yet the best of friends.

They played tag together, hide and seek, red light green light, all in that one meadow. They planted a small carrot garden, built a treehouse in a sturdy oak, they even studied silkworms in the summer. They were the happiest of children. Because they were always together.

But the devastation stuck like a bolt of lightning.

"I ha-have t-t-t-to move." Y/n sobbed. They were next to the swing set that was tied to the oak that held their treehouse. Lyon frowned and hugged his friend tightly.

"It's okay, I'll be with you." He comforted and patted her h/c hair.



. . . Time Skip 12 years (you're 19)

The h/c haired girl offered a small smile as she carefully walked through her old town. It had became modern and technological, much different then the comforting, old fashioned place she grew up in. As she mindlessly wandered someone accidentally bumped her. The pink haired woman with a young child quickly turned around.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." She apologized. The child giggled happily and her dark pink curls bounced. "I'm Sherry Akatsuki and this is my daughter Lamia." The child waved a little hand at Y/n.

"Sherry?! Is that you?!" Y/n was dumbfound. Sherry, her other best friend, was standing in front of her.

"Y/n?" Sherry mirrored the e/c eyed mage.

"You got married to Ren?!"

"Yeah, after you know....that happened."

Y/n felt tears grow inside her e/c eyes. "Yeah, I know." She murmured. Sherry instantly wrapped her into a hug.

"It's okay." She consoled. "What are you doing back here anyway?" Lamia started to squirm.

"Just coming to see how it's been." Y/n answered shortly.

"Well, Lamia want to go. Bye!" Sherry called and started to walk away. Y/n waved and started walking towards the meadow.

The grass was yellow at this time of year and the tree had lost its green leaves. The treehouse was battered and had spots missing. Weeds grew at the base of the tree and the swing was swaying softly by the wind.

A comforting feeling came with with the wind. Lyon? Are you there? Y/n asked. Lyon, are you safe? The question couldn't be answered. The questions couldn't be answered after he died.

Hey Y/n
Just wanted you to know I'll be on my deathbed soon. Haha. We always joked which one of us would die first. Guess I'm going to lose. Anyway I was hoping you could come visit? I know it isn't summer like you normally visit but please?
See ya later, Lyon

I had rushed to his side immediately. Cancer had taken the life out of my childhood friend. It was awful, seeing Lyon fight every second for his life.

"Hey Y/n?" The raspy voice broke my trail of thoughts. I looked at him from my spot next to him. " I just want you to know that I lo-"
"Lyon!? Lyon!!?" I screamed. His chest didn't move, he didn't smile, he just stared at me silently, his hand outstreached towards me. Doctors and nurses rushed past me with machines. I slowly backed away as tears poured out if my eyes. I ran outside into the road. Rain streamed down on me. "Why, why, why, why!"

The gentle breeze ruffled my hair. " It's time to let you go, Lyon." I whispered. " Goodbye. I love you, Lyon." The breeze slowly rolled away.

'Thank you Y/n' It seemed to whisper. I smiled

And so I sat, in the yellow meadow, next to the old oak tree, with the swing swaying slightly. And I couldn't be happier.

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