Bickslow - Kareoke Night

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Ready to sing? *Starts singing a random song super off pitch* Uhhh.....move along.

Background info:
You are not shy.
You are sorta flirty.
And your competitive as hell!!!!!!!!!

I don't even know what I just wrote....😲

This will sorta have a part two with a whole bunch of other ships happening. (Miraxus, Jerza, Nalu, Gruvia, Gale, ect.)

"Look at those fools." Bickslow chuckled to his floating tiki heads.

Y/n heard him and smirked. "I bet I can do better then you can." She challenged him.

"Really? You think you can beat me?" Their noses were touching.

"You could cut their sexual tension with a butter knife." Evergreen said to Elfman from a table beside us.

"Take charge Bickslow. BE A REAL MAN!" (A/n: Do I even have to say who said this?)

"It's on!" Y/n punched the air.

"Get ready to lose baby!" Bickslow smirked. Y/n tried not to blush when her crush called her baby and thankfully he didn't see.

But a demon Matchmaker did.



Bold is Bickslow
Italics is Y/n

"Died last night in my dreams
Walking the streets
Of some old ghost town"

Bickslow had a surprisingly good singing voice, better then Natsu or Gajeel by miles. I rolled my eyes at him when he smirked at me.

"I tried to believe
In God and James Dean
But Hollywood sold out

Saw all of the saints
Lock up the gates
I could not enter."

I was so gonna lose.

"Walked into the flames
Called out your name
There was no answer

Now I know my heart is a ghost town
My heart is a ghost town"

Bickslow mock bowed to me as I brought the microphone up . Deep breath.

"Running through the parking lot
he chased me and he wouldn't stop

Tag you're it
Tag you're it

Grabbed my hand and
Pushed me down
Took the words right out my mouth"

Bickslow winked at me. My mouth grew dry in suprise. He seemed to know what he did and smirked. I regained my focus and placed my eyes out towards the crowd.

"Tag you're it
Tag you're it"

"My heart is a ghost town"

"Can anybody hear me?
I'm hidden underground
Can anybody hear me?
Am I talking to myself?"

I spun around to face Bickslow.


Tag your it
Tag you're it"

Everytime I said tag i took a step closer to him.

"He's saying

Tag you're it
Tag you're it"

Soon we were standing nose to nose.

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