chapter 12 - Dying Hurts

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P.O.V Kat

I feel drowsy, like something had sucked the life out of me through the night.

Still in my clothes from yesterday, I got up and headed to the kitchen.

I rubbed the back of my neck when opening the fridge. Three tiny lump's, all in a row on my neck.

'What is this?' Footsteps coming my way. I panicked, grabbed one of the knives from the knife wrack and threw it towards the sound.

"WOW! HEY WATCH IT!" Daniel, who was now completely awake and alarmed, pulled the knife out of the wall and put it back in the wrack.


'What's wrong with me?'

"It's cool... Are you okay?" He looked concerned.

"Fine" I gave a slight smile.

'Perhaps if I told him what happened and what I saw yesterday he'll think I'mm having a nerves breakdown and take me back to Hell, I don't want to go back there, at least now for now anyway. I want to be able to deal with my problems alone and not have the need to lean on someone else for help'

"You are many thing's Kathrine... But an actress Is not one of them, what's really going on?" He leaned against the counter, arms crossed watching me intently. Silence.

"I need some air" I left the house and wondered into the woodland area that surrounded it. Dan followed me in nothing but a white shirt and dark grey shorts.

"Come on Kat, why won't you tell me what's wrong?"

"Just go back to the house Dan" I walked faster.

"We both know I'm not going to do that, unless you come back with me" I took in a deep breath and turned to walk backwards.

"Why am I not allowed to have my own space, hmm!?"

"If I knew the answer to that I'd tell you"

"Why are you choosing to follow the king's orders?"

"Because I don't want to end up on him bad side again, I've only just gotten off it"

"You could just go back to the house, He'd never know"

"I'm not willing to take that chance"

'He's really starting to piss me off, I need to find a way to distract him or a least hide until he goes back to the house'

"Geminus" I whispered, I split in two. My double was in front of me so Dan couldn't see them. A simple invisibility, giving me enough time to hide while my double distracted Dan.

Kat 2 twisted he ankle and fell to the ground. Dan stopped.

"Will you let me take you back to the house now?" He tilted his head and crossed his arms.

"Fine" Dan picked up Kat 2 and sped back to the house. Good thing about doubling yourself is you can see everything they see.

The moment he walked through the door Kat 2 disappeared with a simple word.

"Totius" I was visible again. Running further into the forest before Dan had a chance to catch up.

The faint yelling of my name in the background. He wasn't to far behind.


Across country later I was out of breath and pretty sure Dan had given up and gone home. I stopped to rest and sat under an oak tree, barley three feet from the cliff's edge. Below was a beach with sand a white as snow and caves that had been washed out by the ocean.

I shut my eye's  and just listened to the sound of the waves hitting the shoreline.

"Had enough air yet?" Dan whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and shot up.

"Seriously I think you're worse then Andrew!" He leaned against the tree crossing his arms again, saying nothing.

"And you really like the pose don't you?!" He gave a questionable look before looking down at himself and then back at me.

"It's comfy" was all he said. I sighed, looking out at the sea. I faced him again.

"I would have thought you'd given up by now and gone back" I put my hands on my hips.

"I'm far more scared of your dad then I am of you" he said smugly. I just scowled.

"Is there anyway to return you and get a different model bodyguard?" He looked upset and put his hand on his heart.

"Hurtful, but no, I do not come with a return policy so you're stuck with me forever" he's always over dramatic.

I took a step back about to make another run for it when I remembered I was standing on a cliff.

'CRAP!' That was my last thought before plummeting over the edge. Dan's face was the last thing I saw looking over the edge before hitting the beach.

I gasped and sat upright, coughing. Once I'd stopped I realized I was in my room back in Hell.

'Is this really Hell or am I dreaming?'  I got off my bed and opened my door.

The hallways were empty, there were no sound's to be herd. I headed towards the throne room still a bit dazed.

Dad was talking to someone, not sure who but when he saw me they left the room quickly and quietly.

"I give your partner in pranks a second chance and you show up covered in your own blood, What happened?"

"What?" I looked at my clothes, he was right, every inch of my clothes was cover with blood, but was it really mine? I looked up puzzled. He sighed.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He came closer holding my shoulders.

"I-I fell off a cliff"

'What's that got to do with me being in Hell? I didn't die, did I?'

"Yes, my dead, you did die"

'How did he know I was going to ask that?'

"I can read your mind even when you don't want me to I'm afraid, that's just part of being blood related I guess"

"But I feel normal, alive"

"You will do because you died in the mortal realm, not here"

I took out a Artivis and turned to open a portal back to Earth.

"Just make sure when you go back to hide your body somewhere no human can get it"

"Will do... Thanks" I'm back at the beach, the sun's still bright and I felt better then before.

Dan's walking back and forth by my body, stressing.

"So where do you suggest we put it?" He stopped pacing and ran over to hug me.

"Please tell me your dad's not pissed"

"His not pissed"

"Thank goodness, or are you just saying that because I told you?!"

"No, he's really not pissed, annoyed but not pissed"

"Alright well um, how's about a volcano?"

"The body would disintegrate in the lava and there would be no evidence of me ever dying"


We took my body to the nearest volcano in the area by air and dropped it in before anyone saw.

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