Chapter 8 - Memories

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Kathrine's POV:

"I'm telling you Kate I haven't seen Andrew, even if I did, I would of most likely given him a beating for being here and not with you" I sighed.

'Come on think, where could he have gone?'

" I thought you didn't like him anyway"

"I don't" dad smiled as if he knew something.

"He's grown on you hasn't he"

"No, Yes, Maybe, I just don't want him to get hurt, doesn't mean I care about him"

"Yes it does my dear even if you think not... Why don't you go to that other boy who with Andrew and see if he knows anything"

"I tried, Derek doesn't remember what happened"

"Just because one does not remember doesn't mean the memory is not buried deep within the mind"

"You lost me..."

"Go into his mind and see what he saw"

"We can do that?!"

"No, your mother could and I'm only assuming you can aswell" I was silent, trying to process what he had just said. Dad sighed.

"Go and try it"


"You'll figure it out"

"You don't know how do you?"

"Not a clue, that was something your mother did but could never explain, almost like an instinct to her" Dad had that look on his face that said 'memories'.

I went back through the portal to the human realm.

'So many memories yet the only good ones I have are with my friends, never family'

"Helloooo?" Derek waved his hand in front of my face.

"What?!" I sounded annoyed.

"Jee my bad little miss grumpy"

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

Derek sighed and sat down on the white 'L' shaped sofa in the living room. He patted the sofa gesturing me to sit down next to him, so I did.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing useful, but the look in his eyes when he spoke about mum... He looked happy"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I've just never seen him like that before... Have you ever heard of someone going into another persons mind?"

"No but if you're able to do that I'm not letting you here" he pointed to his head.

"That may be the only way to find out what happened"

"Don't you think if I knew anything I would tell you besides, what makes you think there's even a memory of it in there?"

"Just because you can't remember doesn't mean there is no memory" Derek stared at me with glassy eyes.

"I've never heard of this power let alone even seen you use it. Do you know how to go into people's minds, or control how far you go?"

"No but I'm sure it's not that hard. My mother could do it on instinct but never explain it, according to dad"

"Tell me this, this guy suddenly comes into your life and kidnaps you, takes you on this what seems to be a forever journey only to introduce you to the one person that didn't die in the 'war' that you're related to by blood, and even though you've been in the same world as him for seven years do you really truly know him?"

I stared down at the floor thinking about it. 'Derek's right, the entire time I was in the Shadow Realm Andrew didn't actually say much about himself, I only knew him as a trainer and not a very good one at that'

"Maybe you're right..." I got up off the sofa and faced Derek. "But even so that still doesn't mean that we just give up looking for him. Maybe not everyone deserves a second chance but Andrew was just following his commands, it's not his fault (well, most of it anyway)"

"I'm not saying we give up looking, just that we should be a bit more careful around each other, who knows maybe he's the stalker you've been dealing with for the past few weeks" Derek got up from the sofa and disappeared behind the kitchen wall.

'Stalker? I dough it, but maybe? Forget it, there's no reason for Andrew to be the stalker... is there? But if he's not the stalker then where is he?'


"An electric chair seriously!? How old fashioned are you?"

"Ahh!" Another shock.

"Tut tut, no need for rudeness"

"18th century, got it" the guy pressed the buzzer in his hand once again sending shock waves to the chair.


"Need to work on your manners, wouldn't want your pretty little girlfriend to hear you say bad things"

"Trust me she couldn't care less about what I say, and she's not my girlfriend"

"Oh? I thought you two looked good together, shame"

"I don't know what's worse, your outfit or your high pitched psychotic voice when you talk" I laughed. I didn't really care if he shocked me again and again, the pain wasn't that bad and every time he did it the pain would only dull out as my arms and legs started to go numb.

I tilted my head back and sighed. 'What's taking Kat so long, does she even know I'm missing? Come on Kat, if you can hear me you're not that far away'.

I smiled at the thought of seeing Kat again just to see her smile. She hasn't been happy lately and I can't help feeling it's because of something I've done. When I get out of here the first thing I'll do is go to her, after kicking this guys ass over and over again.

There's a needle in my left arm and my senses are dulling again. He's talking, but I can hear what he's saying. It's like he's in another room talking through the wall, muffled and barely understandable. Blackness, I'm out again.

'How much longer does this guy plan on keeping me here I wonder?'

I gasp for breath as I jerk up from the ground. I felt like I was being drowned, unable to get to the surface. It was night.

The only thing I had on were my trousers and belt, other than that my shirt was torn to wear.

The waves hit my feet, I was on a beach. None of the surrounding area looked familiar, and I've been to every country on this planet, so where am I. The last thing I remember was Kat.

I walked inwards from the shore in search of other people but I had no such luck, the place was deserted. The only thing that lived on the island were animals. Some of the deers where drinking from a lake in the middle of an open area.

'I need to get to Kat, see if she's alright'.

When I spread my wings something didn't quite feel right, they felt lighter they usual. My moonlit shadow was what horrified me. My wings had been sawn off. That explained the bits of red sand I saw everywhere I went.

'Damn It! Looks like I'm building a raft then" I stared out at the deep endless ocean.

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