Chapter 10 - Guess who's back

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The waves rolled up the shore continuously as I stood staring at the shirt.

'Was that a memory? Where was is? Who was that guy?' All questions I would have to answer later, right now I'm on break.

I sighed and headed back to the house.

Andrew's P.O.V

I'm starting to remember where I've been Such horrible things.

I feel broken without my wings. However I'll probably find a way around this sooner or later, I'm not going to stay wingless that's for sure.

"Bro you done in there?" I looked to the door. Is that who I think it is?

On the other side of the door was Daniel. He'd brought a change of clothes.

"What are you doing here I thought you were on Hellhound duty after pulling a prank on the king WITH Kat?" That wasn't a pretty sight, he got the worst just in Hell and Kat got off with a warning.

"Yeah well I'm not here to stay unless you really need me" he comes close and whispers "Save my ass, you owe me"

"Dan I don't owe you anything, but I think you might need to take my place here" Dan was confused.

"What, getting home sick?" He smirked. I turned around to show him my wing stubs. He gasped.

"No thanks, I'd rather be cleaning up after the Hellhounds if it meant not getting my wings cut off!" He threw the clothes at me.

"I don't think we have a choice!" I faced him.

"I don't care, I'd like to keep all of my body parts!"

"Couldn't you stay here until my wings grow back, you know how quick they regenerate in Hell, here it could take years"

Dan sighed "Fine but after this you really do owe me"

"Deal" I closed the door and got changed into the plain black shirt, blue denim jeans and army boots then headed down stairs.

"I'll see you guys soon" I said as I past Dan who was making himself comfy on the living room sofa. His response was just a regular thumbs up.

Left to go to the portal in Lived park making use I wasn't followed.

Catherine's P.O.V

"I'm back" I closed the front door And went to the kitchen to get an apple. Just as I open the fridge door I hear a voice coming from the living room.

"Hey princess" I turned to see who it was.


"Sup, I'm your new room mate"

"Where's Andrew?"

"In Hell"


"Didn't you see those stumps on his back, it would have taken year for them to grow back over here"

"In Hell everything grows back faster..."

"Bingo, So what do you do for fun around here?"

"Not much, we've been a bit busy with the stalker and Andrew going missing situations to be doing anything else"

"No fun? Right then lets go!" Dan got up from the sofa at top speed, grabbed my arm and pulled my out the front door.

"Where are we go-" Dan was lifted off the ground by Derek.

"Hey knock it off you two!" I said from the sidelines eating my apple.

"When did you get back?!" Derek asked Dan, he was pissed for some reason.

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