Chapter 3 - Katrina Insula,

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Light's shined bright in my face as I tried to remember what happened before I passed out.

"She's awake" said a female voice off to my right.

"What's going on?" I asked in a deep tired voice.

"You passed out, but don't worry you'll be fine" replied the woman.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Another voice boomed from outside the room.

"Sir you have to calm-" that voice was cut off by a series of other noises.

The door swung open and a figure there stood, my sight was still a little blurry but I could hear perfectly well, it was Andrew.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked.

"Guess" was my only response before mind linking him my memory of what happened.

"oh" finally he got it.

"Everyone leave" he demanded the doctors.

"But-" Andrew cut her off with a stern look and she quickly exited the room, closing the door behind her.

"What the hell was an angel doing with Erica Windley?"

"I'm not sure, but what ever it is it can't be good for us"

"She said she was trapped in some sort of time loop, ever heard of something like that?" Andrew asked.

"No and I'm guessing you haven't either"

"Not a clue... In the mean time we need to get back to the house before any other kind of drama happens" I got up off the hospital bed and we left like any normal people would.

As soon as we got back to the house Andrew stopped me in my tracks while staring at a parcel that had been left by the front door.

"Wait here" he demanded.

"No way!" I was to hot headed to be bossed around these days.

"Kat I mean it" He looked me dead in the eyes with a worried expression all over his face.

"So do I" neither of us moved from the spot until the other would give inn.

"Fine" I said in less then a whisper. Andrew gave me a small smile then headed towards the package by the door.

Once he got to it and picked it up he scanned it for any bomb like parts on it but there was nothing. It was just a regular rectangle parcel with no address or stamp, the only thing on it was the letter 'S' for stalker. Inside the parcel was a coffee colored paper file, like the ones used by the police, hospitals or psychiatrists.

A small piece of paper fell out of the file and ended up by my feet even though I was no-where near Andrew who had the file. On the paper it said:

Maybe next time you should be a little more careful about who you show your abilities to otherwise it could land in the wrong hands and you'd be more then just exposed!


"Shit" I mumbled a bit to loudly, Andrew didn't know about the reporter Greg but by the look on his face he was fuming at what he was looking at. He came over to me and handed me the file, inside were pictures of me with either fire, ice or an object flying above my hand. I looked up at him and saw the disappointment on his face.

"I was close to getting rid of this problem and then I see you did this, what were you thinking?" He had a similar clam tone to the one he used when he was protecting me from John, an ass of a demon.

"I-I don't know" I ran into the house, up to my room then slammed and locked the door. In the form of a snow leopard cub I hid under my bed and cried myself to sleep.

When I awoke it was light outside but I didn't move from where I was. The sudden noise of a door creaking open startled me just a little as I turned to see Andrew's feet, I ignored him and tried to go back to sleep.

"Kat?" He called, I yawned and my cover was blown.

He got down on all fours and peeked under the bed at where I was.

"Can we talk?" He asked softly, my response was a slight movement of my tail curing inwards.

 All I wanted to do was go back to sleep, that was the only thing I could do to have any peace these day's.

"Please?" Was he seriously starting to beg?

I growled and moved further into the corner, still not wanting to face him. That soon changed when he pulled me out from under the bed by the tail.

'HEY!' I growled and leaped up to claw him in the face but missed. Plan B, I legged it out of my room as fast as I could and was chased from there to the kitchen, around the white marble island about six time's and back up stair's to the balcony, oops!

"You... can't... run... forever" Andrew said out of breath.

'I may not be able to run but I can fly' were my last words before becoming an eagle and leaving.

He didn't bother coming after me for bloody once thank goodness, but now the only thing I'm regretting is that I didn't take my ipod with me.




About three hours later I was on what looked to be a beautiful deserted island with a large beach that went all around the island, tree's on the inner layer and a huge rock pool in the center. As if it just magically appeared out of no-where and if you looked at it from bird's eye view it looked like and giant eye that stared back at you with no soul or feeling.

I swooped down to take a better look at the island. Nothing strange about it so far apart from the giant eye look it has from above, gliding through the tree's towards the rock pool seemed peaceful, serine like nothing mattered anymore and I could finally do what I want. No school no stalker and mostly no Andrew. I landed near the rock pool and changed back, it was more beautiful then looking down at the sight, the place actually had a good feeling, something I haven't felt in ages.

It seemed as if no one had ever set foot on this amazing place let alone even seen it, so I made it my own.

This was my island, a place I could go to be alone when I needed to be, when I wanted to leave my life behind and just forget about it all and relax, this... was Katrina insula, and I was ruler of something that not only described who I once was inside but who I'll always be... a part of nature no matter what and who I am.

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