Chapter 13 - Visitor's News

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It was sunset, and we were finally back at the house.

While I collected my thought's, Daniel was busy burning the kitchen down with his so call 'mad cooking skills'.

'So I can die... That's a first, I thought that sort of thing was impossible for me. I feel like I'm in a game... When I die, I re-spawn back at the start'.

"BEHOLD!" Dan presented a burnt thing on a plate.

"What is that?" I asked sounding disgusted.

"It's pasta"

"Not anymore it's not"

"Yeah, it's looks as burnt as your body when we threw it into the volcano" he joked. That got me thinking.

"So if I can die then, Lucifer can too right?" Dan went silent and tried to back out of the room thinking I wouldn't notice.

"Stop moving and just tell me"

"This is a subject I don't think I should be speaking about"

"Lucifer's an archangel and so are you?"

"I don't see what you're trying to get at"

"Well if you're both pretty much the same thing then if you're able to die then so is he"

"In a way we are the same but he's far more powerful then me, he was one of the high prince's making him like a boss in a video game"

"Hard to kill but not impossible"

"I think I've said enough"

"So in order to kill him, he's got to have a weakness!"

"I'm defiantly going to die"

"How so?"

"Because I'm listening to every word" Lucifer sat on the sofa. At that point Daniel bolted from the room and locked himself in his room.

"So you are able to die?"

"Yes, but I'd be reincarnated within seconds... Why do you want to know?"

"I was just curious. It hurts a lot though"

"Which is why I keep my distance from things and beings that could possibly kill me"

"How many times have you died then?"

"Once, when I fell"

"So you just assume that everything can kill you? You don't try to figure out what can and can't?"

"No, I'd rather not. Beside's I only came to see that small brained angel you have as a body guard, would you mind getting him for me"

"Sure" I left Lucifer in the living room and went upstairs. "Dan he want's to talk to you"

"Dan's not here right now, leave a message after the beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep"

"He called you a small brained angel" 3, 2, 1 he swung the door open. I knew his ego was bigger then him.

He power walked downstairs and into the living room, I followed.

"This is a private conversation Kathrine, perhaps you could go and do something somewhere else" Said Lucifer looking at Dan. I left then to it and went back upstairs. Of course I was going to listen in on their conversation, why wouldn't I?

Daniel's P.O.V

"It's escaped again, I need to know if anything has been going on with Kathrine lately"

"She seems be to talking to herself at night every now and then. Also wanting to run away from everything. Do you think it's going after her?"

"I don't know but if it is you need to make sure she's never out of your sight, not even for a second."

"Sure thing"

"I'll be sending the seer to check everything just in case"

"No need"

"What do you mean?"

"I think Kat can see it"

"That's impossible"

"She was acting strange a while ago when we went to a shopping center, like she was running from something"

"If she can see it that means Mala isn't the only seer in the Shadow Realm"

"That's a bit of a problem, what are we going to do?"

"We need to find and kill Mala, for all we know the East of our realm could be destroyed any second"

"No ones seen the old bag in centuries. How are we supposed to kill someone we can't find?"

"How do you think Kat got the artives?"

"I assumed you gave them to her"

"No, she got them from someone in the realm that has the power to create them meaning Mala is still in the Shadow Realm"

"If Kat know's where she is then why don't you just ask her?"

"Because I don't think she's ready to know everything that goes on down there just yet"

"Understood, then what?"

"You ask her about it without giving anything away" Lucifer stood up and went through a vortex back to the Shadow Realm.

I sighed. Mala was an old friend of mine, when she disappeared I though Lucifer had disposed of her.

'At least I know why Kat's been acting so strange lately, but what does this thing look like? Why does it only want to peruse Kat? And how come she can see it?'

Things aren't adding up. I need to find Mala before anyone else does, or maybe Andrew can. I can stay by Kat's side while Andrew looks for Mala.

"What was that all about?" Kat came around the corner.

"Not much, he was just checking in to see if I'd let you die again"

"Something's bothering you, I don't need powers to see that"

"It's nothing, wanna get takes out?" I gazed at the burnt pasta. Not even I would eat that crap.

"Sure what do you want?"

"Whatever you want"

"Pizza it is" Kat went to one of the home phones in the kitchen to order the pizza. How am I going to get information about where Mala might be out of Kat without her knowing? This is going to be a tough one for sure.

I sat down in the kitchen watching Kat. Whatever maybe after Kat is not as scary as Lucifer when you disobey one of his orders. I shivered.

Kat put the phone down and stared out of the kitchen window.

"Kat, you okay?" She bounced back to reality and turned to face me.

"Fine, why?" She gave a faint smile.

"No reason, you looked a little off for a moment that's all"

"Um, okay?" She dismissed the feeling and went to watch TV. Something tells me it's going to be a long night.

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