Chapter 2 - Time loop

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After I had shown the reporter Greg a few of my abilities to shut him up and not say anything, I went up stairs to the bathroom closest to me and showered, next thing I knew Andrew was back from wherever he goes during the day.

He was running up the stairs at super speed and heading my way, the only thing that came to mind at the time was my wings, I covered my body with huge raven black wing's that were like thick shower curtains. The door to the bathroom swung open and the only thing between me and him was my wings and the glass door of the shower.

"Oh Shit!" Andrew mumbled quite loudly while frozen to the spot.

"Get Out!" I heard him run to the other end of the house and use the bathroom further away.




Later I was in my room on my laptop doing homework, well not really, like the usual teen I am I decided to watch some YouTube videos by some of my favorite youtubers like Tgfbro, Vanossgaming and NightWing Pack.

There was a knock on my door and then a very pink faced Andrew came in looking like he had just swallowed one of the world's hottest chilies. He stood by the door in silence for a while.

"I wanted to apologize for before" he stared down at his hands ashamed, I said nothing and got back to watching my video.

"So are we cool?" He really sounded like a little kid at that moment so I looked up just to make sure that it was Andrew standing there and not some little twelve year old ghost boy from the Regni, quæ est ex mortuis, sure enough I saw Andrew staring at me with hope in his eyes that I would forgive him.

"Fine, did you find anything out about the stalker?" I changed the subject.

"Not yet, I'm still working on that"

"Okay then, I'm going to sleep so I'll see you in the morning"

"Oh ur, night"

"Night" he left and I put the laptop on my desk draw to my left, got changed and most likely passed out because I can't remember what happened after that.


(At school)

"Ken?" Called the Mr. Percivil my science teacher.

"Here" replied Ken.





As the teacher continued to call out the register I was busy thinking about other things like why did Erica Bitchly have to be in my science class and worse sit right behind me? I was also thinking about who my stalker was and how I was going to catch them along with Greg the reporter, how did he know about me? Was he my stalker or was he working for them?

So many questions and yet not enough answers, urh! Why did this have to happen to me? I didn't ask for any of this, it's so unfair! My thought's were interrupted by a screwed up piece of paper that hit me on the back of the head and landed next to my right foot.

When I went to pick it up I could see from the corner of my eye that another one was about to hit me in the side of the face, I put my hand up to block it and accidentally froze time instead. I found out that the damage was only inside the classroom because people were walking around outside but if one of them walks into this room I'll be more then just screwed this time so I repeated what I did without getting hit in the face by a paper ball and got back up while giving Erica a sly smile that said 'I-wouldn't-do-that-if-I-were-you' which I might of well had just said out load.

"Catherine?" Mr. Percivil asked.

"Yes sir?"

"Your homework, do you have it?"

"yes its in my bag" I reached into my bag and used black magic to take Erica's homework then change the name at the top to Catherine, handed it to sir and continued what I was doing before.

"Erica, where's your homework?"

"It's right here sir" she reached into her bag and suddenly went frantic looking for it.

"It's not in my bag, I thought I had it with me"

"well then I guess your going to have to stay after school then aren't you" exclaimed the teacher.

She stared at me as if to say 'I-know-you-did-something' but as usual she and other's could never prove it.

After class ended I headed to my locker, the snide bitch stood in front of me not letting me leave the room. As soon as everyone left she closed the door and blocked it with a table then turned to face me.

"What are you doing?" I asked the CLEARLY deranged person in front of me.

"You went missing for seven years and you still look sixteen"

"Your point is that I look younger then you?"

"No, my point is your a freak"

"So you trapped me in a room just to tell me that?" I said every word slowly so she understood.

"No, you don't got it do you?"

"The fact that I only came back because I can while your still trapped in school seven years later, I mean what happened did you get caught in a time loop?" My sarcasm was better then she looked and even she knew it.

"Actually I did" she started to cry and at this point I backed away not knowing what she was going to do next.

"Okay the one time my sarcasm actually come to life, great... so why'd you trap me in here?"

"Because I need your help to get out of it"

"How am I supposed to help?"

"I don't know someone said your the one to go to with this kind of problem"

"Who told you that?"

"Some guy on the street, but i don't know how he knew about my problem"

"What did he look like"

"What does it matter!?"

"Because I need to know!"

"Okay okay, her had a black hoodie on sunglasses and navy blue denim jeans apart from that I didn't really see what he looked like"

"Fine, tell what happened from the beginning"

"I was with Ellie heading to English but she needed to go to the bathroom so I went with her and while she was in the stall this blue light came out of no-where and next thing I knew I was being rushed to hospital because I had passed out on the bathroom floor.

The only thing's I knew that came in blue light's where angel's, the bloody pest's were always getting in my way every now and then. That's when I noticed something wasn't right with Erica, she wasn't crying anymore but staring at something behind me... Just as I was about to turn an arm came out of no-where and hit me right in the stomach making me fly into a wall back first.

Black spots started to appear in my vision as a figure headed towards Erica. That was the last thing I remember before I blacked out on the floor of the classroom.

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