Chapter 5 - Where's Andrew?

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Why would Derek by jealous? More importantly of Andrew.

"Where are you going?" He asked almost as if he was having to choke out the words.

"Home" I turned to leave but Derek got in my way.

We were outside on the grass, watching the pups run around and play together.

"I'm tried Derek and I need to go"

"This is your home" he had a sad look on his face that said 'don't-go' but all good things must come to an end.

I sighed "I'm sorry"

"For what?" I looked at him in the eyes and saw the all of him emotions flowing through them. I couldn't bare to see him like this any longer then I had too.

"This" I was gone and back at the house within my own room.

I finally burst into tear's, all the pressure with Derek and Andrew and that bloody stalker was to much for me to take, what if the only way to stop it all was to just go back to Hell. I couldn't cope being here any longer, I wanted to be alone forever and just let it all out.

Katrina insula, even thinking about going back there was so tempting. The sudden sound of a vase breaking caught my attention. I was down stairs in half a second, and just to add on to the stress it was not surprise that I found Andrew having a punch out with Derek in the living room.

The television was broken, books were knocked off the shelves, there were claw marks in the furniture and broken glass everywhere.

I was about to break the fight up but then it hit me.

'Why bother, it's not like they actually care about anything otherwise they wouldn't be destroying the place' so I ran backup stairs to the balcony and left to Katrina insula,.




I found out that if you break a tree near the center of the island it pulls itself up and its roots ebbed themselves back into the ground bellow, so no matter how many times I knocked down a tree it would always bring itself back up as if nothing ever happened to it.

The amount of anger in me wasn't as bad as it was a while ago, I guess the long flight here instead of teleport was a little calming but not much. About six large bulky trees later I sat by the rock pool a lot calmer then a moment ago and took in all the details of the parts of island that I could see.

The rocks on the side of the pool were sharp, kind of like barbed wire only not as painful and the water, the water was a beautiful crystal blue and yellow kind of color like a sunset reflecting from a parallel universe. As for the ground, it was covered in plush green grass and all sorts of flowers like roses, daisies and violets. The trees were mixed, some where oak and others would either be spruce, birch or acacia. Acacia is my favorite because it's a darkish light grey on the outside bark but on the inside it was and lovely sunset orange.

"So you found the island finally" said an old creaky voice from beside me, standing a few feet away was the old woman who gave me the artivus, Mala.

"Yes but, what are you doing here?" I asked standing up.

"I came to see how your doing" she smiled with her hands behind her back. She was wearing and dark purple robe with gold flecks in it that looked rather amazing.

"If you count out all the drama between my alpha mate, Andrew and a stalker I've had since I got back then I'm great" I actually felt like a complete train wreck.

"It's hard having a mate I know, but if you feel like their not the one even if their so called 'moon goddess' put you as partners then their not... it's only who you feel is the right person that is" she was by my side quicker then lightning striking.

"I never said Derek wasn't the one" what was she talking about I love Derek, at least I think I do crap!

"Trust your instincts Katherine, you never know when you'll need them" she was gone just as fast as she had come, but what did she mean Derek wasn't the one.

Well I know one thing is for sure i'm not going back to the house tonight so those guys can clean up their own mess.

The sun was bright when it came morning, I had fallen asleep on the beach last night when looking for some sort of natural shelter. Dusting off the bits of sand that had stuck it me through the night took less then a second, as did the teleport back home.

I was right they did clean up after themselves while I was gone, good. The kitchen was cleaner then before, the living room was back to normal, and everything else was like a major cleaning crew come through it, that was until I stepped on a piece of broken glass and broke it more then what I saw before was gone and all the mess was back.

"Those little morons thought they could use a cloaking spell to hide what they did do they, well I'll show them!" Mumbles of anger came out of me and I quietly when up stairs and into Andrew's room. He wasn't here, strange.




When I went over to the pack house, one of the cubs told me Derek didn't come back last night either. So where are they now?

Well I might as well clean the house up until Andrew comes back, that's it he ever comes back from wherever he's gone.

Andrew's P.O.V

So far my left eye has been blackened, I've lost about two or three teeth and my right cheek bone is most likely cracked from that jackass of a mate Kat has.

"You took her away from me for seven years and now you live in the same house as her!" Derek roared more like a lion king then and alpha wolf.

"If you were listening before you bone headed flee bag you would know I was only. Doing. My. Job!" I gritted out through clenched teeth as I continued to punch him in the face.

Suddenly the room smelt of Kat and I knew she was watching, but not once did she even try to stop the fight, then the smell of the room went back to normal and I knew she was gone.

"Enough" I shoved Derek away from my beaten body.

Both of us had sweat dripping from our bodies and bruises all over that made us look like we have a skin disease.

"She's my mate not your's so stay away from her" Derek gritted out through his clenched teeth.

"I'm not trying to take her away from you, her father is my boss so when she wanted to come back here he told me to look after her" I explained while picking up a chair to sit on.

The place was a mess; broken glass everywhere, chairs and tables knocked over with claw marks and blood all over the place.

"Okay, well sorry about the mess... and your face" he apologized.

"It's fine I'll just clean it up" I got up and started to pick u[ all the chairs and tables.

"Couldn't you use a clean up spell or something?" Derek suggested.

"I don't have a 'clean up spell' but I do have an illusion spell"

"Good because think we got off on the wrong foot and I really want to go and get a drink"

"very well... Quid est quod video mundana est omnino diversa, et pacatum reddet illosion permuto eas res" within a few moments everything started to look normal again as if nothing happened.

"Let's go and get that drink now" Derek was quite impatient.




We got to the local pub Quakes and stayed there for about an hour and a half, that was until these guys all dressed in black came in... and that's all I remember before everything went blue and black.

My eye sight was blurry and the back of my head hurt a lot. I didn't know why but I couldn't put my hand on my head to sooth the pain and that's when my vision came back only just and I noticed my hands had been tied with rope. I took in a sharp breath and pushed myself up against the dirty wall behind me. I could see nothing it was so dark.

"Where am I?"

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