Chapter 6 - One Down One To Go!

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I don't know how longs it's been since I woke up.

Being locked up in a dark room with no light except what came from under the steel door right in front of me was surprisingly blinding. The rope that held my hands together felt cold, scratchy and constricting like a Python strangling it's pray. Now I know how Kat felt through her surprise training.

"It's about time your up Mr. Daline" a cold and sinister voice brooded.

"Who's there?" I shouted out into the darkness of the room.

"Now why would I tell you my name? There's no fun if I did that" the voice exclaimed.

"what are you talking about?"

Was this guy a demon the king sent for me or something?

Just when I thought things weren't going to get any worse, he booted me in the jaw. All I hoped for now is that the cracking sound that came just after I was hit was the guys knee cap and not my teeth.

"Giving up so soon? And here I thought we were just getting started" he taunted.

"Who said anything about giving up?" I snapped back.

I needed to find a way out of here before anything else happened around here.

Catherine's P.O.V:

I've called there cell number's and tried to track them for the past three days now, where in Hell, Heaven and on Earth could those two be.

Just when I was so close to giving up Mala appeared from behind the tree's.

"Looking for something child?" She asked, always with a smile on her face.

"My friends Derek and Andrew, Have you seen them?"

"Ah yes the alpha wolf and the dark angel, that I saw of them they went to a bar not far from here"

"Could you show me?"

"Why certainly dear, this way" she stepped back into the tree's as I simply followed behind her.

I swear if I find those two past out in this bar their going to loose more then just their pride.

We made it to the bar that no surprise to myself, was full of men.

Mala stayed outside as I went in to find Derek and Andrew.

Let me just say that if I thought the seven years of training in Hell was bad this was worse, having some weird drunk bastard slap your ass every time you tried you walk past was getting on my nerves. Luckily the bartender wasn't as rude, provably because he saw what happened about two minutes ago.

Flash back:

"Hey pretty lady" a creeper sitting at a table with two other guys said, I just ignored.

"I'm talking to you!" He started to shout and the room started to quieten down a little.

I had heard about some guy who went by the name Davy Joan's, he was supposed to be the boss in the local area, always got what he wanted and never had a girl turn him down, that was until I just walked into the bar.

"And I'm not so why don't you beat it" I growled.

"No one talks to me that way, NO ONE!"

"Well I just did so what are you gonna do about it little man" I grinned, at this point you could literally see the steam coming out of him ears and his face turning as red as fire.

The two guys he was sitting with pulled out their guns and aimed them at me.

"Put them away boys, we don't need guns to teach this young lady a lesson" Davy purred.

They put their guns away and stepped forward.

One hand signal from Davy had both men charging at me.

I yawned before flipping one of the blonde haired blue eyed bitched over a table and into a wall that everyone seemed to had scattered from.

Same with the other only he flew to the other side and then it was fat mans turn.

"Who's next?" I asked as if it wasn't obvious.

Davy Joan's charged at me with force but not enough to knock me over.

My hands had become fists within seconds and next thing he knew was that he was being thrown through the glass from the entrance of the bar and onto the road where Mala was waiting.

"Good throw" Mala shouted though the broken window with a thumbs up that pretty much just made my day.

Flashback over:

"Excuse me but have you seen these two men?" I showed the bartender a picture of each Andrew and Derek.

"I don't know where the blonde one is but the other guy is still passed out around back" He showed me the back entrance and left to go and clean up the mess.

Sure enough I find Derek still passed out with felt tip marked drawn all over his face that made him look like a pirate.




Back at the pack house the beta and third in command were busy taking care of the pack so I got the pack doctor to come in and make sure he'd be awake for me to knock out again.

"What happened?" He slurred in and out of sleep.

"You tell me, you've been missing for three days, you didn't clean up after your little fight with Andrew who by the way is still M.I.A!"

"Wait, Andrew's missing?"

"What happened that night?" I sat on the bed next to him.

"Um well, we went to the bar, had some drinks and next thing I know I'm being knocked out from behind and wake up here"

Knocked out? Why would someone knock out an alpha werewolf and talk Andrew? If I thought this couldn't get any worse it just did... That's just great news for me, Derek and Andrew.

Where is he? Who or what took him? What's really going on around here?... I need answers and I think the only place to get them is in the one place I dislike more the Heaven or Earth, Hell.




"Dad we need to talk"

"Given up on our deal already?"

"What? No its about Andrew"

"I told you he stays with you whether you like it or not"

"I know but he's missing!"

"Missing?! Missing how?"

"As in three days ago he was picking a fight with an alpha werewolf and now it's like he vanished into thin air" I explained.

There was a moment of silence before I spoke again.

"How do I find him?" Out of all the questions, that's the one I wanted answering the most.

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