Chapter Fifteen

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 The sisters went off in search of Finn, but found him nowhere. They looked all through the Mikaelsons' current home and the surrounding forest. They spoke to each other very little as they did, except to say things such as 'He is not here' or 'Let's look there'.

 Eventually, they went back to the main part of the house. Rebekah, Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol all sat together at the long table, and looked as if they had been arguing. 

 "Where is Finn?" Sage demanded.

 All four looked at each other, as if they weren't sure what to say.

 "Please, we have been looking for him, and cannot find him," Rosamund said more gently. "It is...urgent that we speak with him. Now."

 "That will not be possible," Niklaus said. "Something happened last night. A brotherhood, which Rebekah's lover was apart of, made an attempt to put us down, so to speak. They had daggers which would not kill us, but rather put us into a long sleep."

 "They didn't harm Finn, did they?" Sage asked worriedly.

 "No, no, all is well with Finn. I assure you, he is safe, and will be safe."

 Rosamund inwardly sighed with relief. "That is wonderful to hear. Can we see him now?"

 "No, you cannot," Niklaus answered. "Finn is still under the dagger. You see, we have been discussing the matter to great lengths, and have come to a decision. We have decided that it is best for all of us if Finn stays under the dagger, perhaps permanently."

 "You can't do that to him!" Sage cried. "How could you? He is your brother!"

 "We feel it is what is best, Sage," Elijah said gently. "Please, let us not get into any more arguments."

 Rosamund was shocked by this, that they would do this to their own brother? How could they even consider it? He was their family.

 She looked to Rebekah, the woman she had begun to think of as her friend. "You cannot agree with this, Rebekah. Tell me you do not agree with them!"

 Rebekah stared down at her hands, not looking anyone in the eye, certainly not Rosamund.

 "He never wanted to be a vampire," she said in a small voice. "He thought it a terrible life. It could have been a threat to-" 

 "He was right about you!" Sage screamed. "He said you were all monsters, and he was right!" She turned on her heel and stormed out.

 Rosamund nodded. "It is true. Finn was right. I know him, and he would not do such a thing to any of you, however much he despised life as a vampire. He told me once that because he was a vampire, he was just as terrible as the rest of you. But he was wrong. He is far better than any of you."

 Her voice broke on the last sentence, and she turned to leave before she could begin to cry.

 The sun was rising as she stepped outside. Sage was still there, as if waiting for her.

 "I do know what we will do now," Rosamund said. "We do not have Finn, and I will not stay with them any longer."

 Sage scoffed. "The way you say we do not have him. He was supposed to be mine, not yours. You were supposed to marry Henry and be a blacksmith's wife and have your happy ordinary life, yet I did not know what I would do. When I met Finn, I knew. Henry's death did not give you the right to take him from me."

 Before Rosamund could say anything, Sage walked away from her, out into the woods, away from her.

 She sat down on the ground and crossed her arms. Finn was gone, Sage was angry with her, and her friend betrayed her. There was no one else.

 But she felt that everything Sage said was true, and she now began to feel an immense guilt, one she wasn't sure would ever go away.

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