Chapter Ten

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 From that morning onward, Rosamund and Finn were friends. Despite this, they were rarely seen together. Rosamund had plenty of work to do during the day, so they would often meet in the evenings or the early morning. Sage knew that they were friends now, but Rosamund didn't want her sister to know how much she and Finn actually liked each other, how much they enjoyed their walks together, despite the cold weather creeping in. Rosamund knew that Sage could easily grow jealous, so she only let on that they talked sometimes and did like each other.

 Still, Rosamund wondered about Sage and Finn. How much did he truly enjoy his time with her? Would he marry her? No, it couldn't be, could it? He was a vampire; surely she would have to become one as well.

 One evening, Rosamund was walking home when she saw two figures together near the cottage. It was quickly getting darker, but she could still tell it was Sage and Finn. Sage was pressed up against the cottage, Finn had his arms around her, and they were kissing passionately. Rosamund couldn't help staring at them for a few long seconds before hurrying inside the cottage as quietly as possible.

 She quickly began to fix supper to keep her mind from wandering. She didn't know why she was so surprised. She already knew Sage and Finn were lovers. But something about seeing them together made her angry. Yet she didn't know the difference: was she angry out of protection for her sister, or was she jealous of her sister?


 When Rosamund got up the next morning, Sage wasn't there, so she assumed she had gotten up early. Or perhaps she had been with Finn all night, doing who knows what.

 "Is something wrong?" Henry asked her that morning.

 "It is Sage," she answered. "I do not worry about Lord Finn; he is a kind man. But Sage is...too fond of him, I believe. He does not seem to enjoy being in her company as she is in his." She sighed. "I wish we could only find someone to just marry her off to."

 "If Lord Finn is showing little interest in her, then he would not marry her, would he? No, we will have to find her someone else, won't we?"

 "Couldn't you marry her, Henry?" Rosamund asked. "You know what she is like. She is a little wild, but I know she will make a good wife."

 "Oh. Rosamund. You know I am fond of your sister. But...I do not think we would ever be happy together as husband and wife."

 Rosamund sighed again. "Well, I have to marry you both off to someone."

 "But, Rosmaund-"

 "What is that?" She heard quite the commotion coming from outside. "Oh, what is it now?"

 They both stepped outside, and everyone talking of murder.

 "Someone else has been killed," Henry said.

 In the crowd, Rosamund saw Lord Elijah. His face was calm, and he was saying something about a wild creature.

 "I'm going to see who it is," Henry said, making his way to the crowd.

 It had to be another 'wild creature attack', just like when poor Matilda was murdered. Could it have been Lord Kol again? But Finn said they had all talked and agreed not to murder anyone else from the village. And there couldn't be any other vampires nearby.

 Could there?


 The victim this time was Henry's cousin James. Henry was terribly upset by it, and wasn't himself the rest of the day. Rosamund was sad as well. James was a good young man, and Rosamund had always liked him.

 Sage wasn't at the cottage when Rosamund returned. Now she was concerned; she hadn't seen Sage or Finn the entire day. But just as she had finished with supper, Sage came in, walking slowly.

 "I couldn't come home until dark," she said in a voice not quite her own. "Finn said he would get me a daylight ring."

 "Sage, where have you been? Did you hear-"

 "James is dead. I know. I killed him."

 Rosamund stared at her in disbelief. "What do you mean you killed him?"

 "I didn't want to." Sage sunk down into one of the chairs. "I had to complete it."

 "Complete what, Sage?"

 She looked up. "I am a vampire now, Rosamund."

 Rosamund's eyes widened. "What? How-"

 "I waned to. I begged Finn so many times until he said 'yes'. I told him I wouldn't regret it, and I can't let him think I do."

 "Well, do you?"

 "I don't think so. I won't like it if I have to kill so many people. Finn said he will help me."

 Rosamund stood up. "Eat your supper, Sage."

 "Where are you going?"

 "To speak with Finn," she answered as she went out the door.

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