Chapter One

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 Rosamund stood outside the cottage, her hands on her hips, anxiously awaiting her sister's return home. Sage did sometimes dawdle in returning home, but she was never this late before. The sun was almost set, and Rosamund was far beyond concerned by now.

 When she did finally did spot Sage on her way to the cottage, Rosamund heaved a heavy sigh of relief and hurried inside to finish getting supper ready. She had not eaten yet, not wanting to start without Sage and then worrying for her. But now that her sister had returned and she was getting supper, she realized she was quite hungry, after all.

 "Oh, Rosamund!" The older sister came bursting in the door. "You look nervous? You weren't worrying for me, were you? Oh, I am sorry if I worries you!"

 "You know I worried, Sage," Rosamund said.

 "I know." She sighed. "But you shouldn't have, really. I was with the most noble man the world has ever produced today."

 Rosamund looked up at her. "A man? Do I know him?"

 "You have not met him, but you have heard of him. He and his siblings are the new lords and lady of the castle."

 "The new lords and lady?" Rosamund repeated. "What happened  to Lord-"

 "He died, of course," Sage cut in. "Of old age, it was said."

 "He wasn't very old."

 Sage waved her hand in dismissal. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Since his son died in battle, these are cousins who have come to take over the land."

 "And what sort of lords do you believe they will be?" Rosamund asked.

 "Good ones, I hope. I met the eldest brother a few days ago, but I did not know who he was. I met him again today, and we talked for such a long time. I did meet his youngest brother, whom I believe to be an absolute scoundrel. But that man-Finn, he said his name is-what a man, Rosamund, what a man! I certainly hope I will see him again soon."

 "If he fancies you so much that he would spend most of his day talking to you," Rosamund said, "Perhaps he will seek you out. Our cottage looks to be in view of the castle, and it is not a very long walk."

 Sage smiled widely. "I am truly hoping I might see him. And I would like to meet his other two brothers. Can you imagine? Four handsome men, now living up in the castle, even if one of them is a scoundrel?"

 "I do hope to get a look at these cousins," Rosamund admitted, "Although it would only be to satisfy my own curiosity. Now, eat, Sage. I doubt being this excited will help your stomach any."

 Rosamund was skeptical about these cousins, of course. Their poor dead brother had been friends with the dead lord's son, before the fools went off to war and got themselves killed. Neither of them had ever mentioned cousins, probably because it didn't matter. But Rosamund was still skeptical.


 Sage was out for most of the next day as well, leaving Rosamund to her own devices. Once again, her sister did not return until suppertime.

 "Where were you?" Rosamund asked when Sage finally returned. "You did hardly any work today."

 "I promise, I will make up for it tomorrow," Sage said. "I have news. I met Lord Finn again today, and he has invited both of us to the castle for supper tomorrow night! When I told him I have a sister and that I would never wish to leave her alone at supper, he said he would happy to host you as well."

 "What of the other lords and lady?" Rosamund asked. "Will they be welcoming?"

 "He said not to worry of them, and that he will be sure that we are made welcome. Oh, Rosamund, smile a little. You're being far too serious about it all. We are going to the castle!"

 "I suppose it is something to be happy about," she said with a slight shrug. "Now, let's eat, shall we?"

 Rosamund felt uncertain about this entire thing. Why would an actual nobleman be giving so much attention to a pair of peasant women, one he barely knew and one he had not even met? The only answer she could think of was that whatever it was, they were in for something bad.

Rosamund | Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now